Chapter 11

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A week had gone by since Dad had come back and Max was starting to be able to move his arm more, but not to the full extent yet.

I also had the chance to learn how Dad came back but the guards had not. Dad told me that when the storm came, it did rip the ship apart-but my room was some how miraculously okay, and washed up on the beach. Dad on the other hand had to swim to shore, but ended up on the other side of the island where the Night Crawlers reside. He told me he went into the forest to look for food and firewood, but stumbled across a couple Crawlers who took him captive. They didn't eat him of course, since he's here, but they did have him locked up in a wooden cage. He said he would gnaw at the wood at night where they couldn't see it, and continued to do that for a few days. He was finally able to break free and ran until he found a cavern and slept there. The next day he followed a slightly worn path and happened across the Village, where he killed the invader and returned into my life once again.

Since that Raid, our security in the Village has become, well, more secure. The guards were ordered by Mom to hunt in shifts, and guard the border of the Village in shifts. Max and I had also rounded up the few teens that were on the island and went bow hunting for anything we could find. We were officially named the Island's Finders.

Today we decided we would once again go hunting. "Max?" I turned to him as we were walking out of the Village, the other teens out of hearing distance, but still following us.


"What if we get attacked again?"

Max stared ahead at the woods, probably thinking about what to say. I know he didn't want to scare me, but I was already scared.

"I don't think so," he said. He seemed like he was sure, but I didn't believe it.

"Max tell me the truth," I demanded.

"Fine. It's a good possibility there could be another Raid. But we are much more prepared this time. Trust me, if we are attacked again they won't stand a chance." He turned to me and smiled.

"One more question."

"Anything for you, Sam."

"Why are you so nice?" I asked.

He looked confused. "Excuse me?"

"I mean, why aren't you more grouchy and angry all the time? Considering everything that has happened to you...losing your family and all..." I was hoping that didn't sound too mean.

"I guess I'm not that type of person." He shrugged. "I just have to remember that was in the past. No one can control or change the past, so why dwell on it? And plus, there are plenty of reasons to be happy. I'm alive, I have food and water and a place to sleep. And I have you, my best friend," Max explained, shooting me a smile.

"Okay, sounds good to me." I returned the smile and we continued to make our walk to the woods.

We finally reached our hunting spot: a humongous tree in the middle of the deeper part of the forest. We climbed up and hid ourselves once again in all of the branches and leaves, our bows at the ready.

"Joshua!" Max shouted at the boy closest to him. Joshua was a tall, muscular guy, a couple years older than Max. His hair was a dirty blonde, laying in ringlets on his head, his dark eyes glared at Max when he spoke. "Throw down the apple you brought. Now."

"I brought this to eat though. Not for bait!" Joshua whined.

"I don't care, Josh. We need meat. Drop it down." Max seemed harsh with his words, but I knew this was a serious time. Joshua finally dropped the fruit to the ground, but did it very reluctantly. "Good. Now get ready."

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