Chapter 40

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The castle was noisy. That was the first thing I noticed.

It was strange.  Usually, there is a faint hum of business in some far off rooms but I should be able to walk through the corridors in peace and quiet.

Today was not one of those days.

There were servants running around, in a rush from one place to the next. Some were on ladders cleaning the large windows and some were carrying stacks of dishes in their arms before their hurried steps made them disappear around the corner.

"What is going on?" I whispered to myself in confusion.

"Only the best celebration this world, or any other, has ever seen." I spun to see my mom standing behind me with a grin on her face. "But I don't mean to brag."

I rushed to my mom and hugged her. She laughed a little, clearly taken off guard as she stumbled backward a few steps. I just buried my head to her chest and held her even tighter.

"I haven't seen you in forever." I whispered as she ran her fingers through my hair affectionately.

"What are you talking about? We talked just this morning." Her chest shook with her laugh.

Shit. Tatum must have been shifting into me whenever people got suspicious. He probably should have told me that. But then again, that would be the smart thing to do, and he doesn't do that very often.

I pulled away and smiled, hoping she didn't see right through me. "I know but that feels so long ago and I have had such a long day!"

Thankfully, she believed it. But I knew I was damn lucky. My mom was the ultimate trickster so if anyone would uncover my secret, it would be her. I had to be careful not to give everything away before I had to chance to come clean.

What celebration was she talking about? I had been gone to and from this world and Kyan's so much I've lost track of the days.

"Everyone's so busy today." I said, hoping I could get more information about what the hell was going on.

"Well of course. Today is the set up day to get everything ready for the whole family coming in tomorrow."

We walked through the hall and I peaked into the ballroom to see that there were tables being set and garlands being hung from the chandeliers. Candles and beautiful flower arrangements adorned the center of each table.


"Yes!" My mom practically jumped up and down. "Everyone is bringing all their children too so you'll be able to see all your cousins!" Her excitement was contagious and shined through the eyes that had been copied when I was born.

It would be amazing to see my cousins all together again. I couldn't even remember the last time we had all been in one room. But there were bigger and more important things to deal with first.

I followed her through the oak doors into the ballroom. She waved to a few servants that were bustling around making everything perfect.

"I was thinking we could have the violinists set up by the grand piano over there." She pointed to the corner of the ballroom. "And we could have a big family dance like we used to!"

"Mom..." I stopped walking and grabbed her hand as we stood in the center of the ballroom. "I have something to tell you."

"Does it have something to do with my big birthday surprise? I know I've been bugging you to tell me why it is but I've decided I might as well just let myself be surprised."

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