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It's currently... glancing at the dashboard... two in the morning. And I'm here going to get Michelle her latest craving. Pulling up to the small market I got out. Opening the door I walked in... the old woman behind the counter nodded at me.

Grabbing the hot Cheetos and the cheese dip I walked up to the same counter "hot Cheetos? You eat this nigger shit?".

I was tired.

"Can you just bag it?" I asked.

She shrugged scanning both items "twelve sixteen".

Grabbing the cash in my pocket I put it on the counter. She smiled and handed me the bag. Walking out I bumped into Ariana. Her eyes lit up "Tatum? Whoa haven't seen you in a minute. You missed like two meetings!".

At this very moment all I wanted was my bed... "damn everyone is asking about you!".

Rubbing my hand over my face to try and erase the sleepiness from my eyes "Ariana look just tell the others I'll be be at the next meeting". With that I got into my car and sped off.

Michelle and I compromised a little. Even though she refused to live with me. Every other weekend she sleeps over. Love having her with me. That's the reason I haven't been at any meetings.

Finally reaching home. I opened the front door and she was in the recliner watching tv. For those who's curious... I moved out my grandparents home. Got a small one bedroom for a good price. It's not too far from my job.

"About time" Michelle whined.

Handing her the bag she went in... seeing the happiness on her face made me happy. She the cheese dip and poured it into the bag.

"This is how you do it" she shook the bag.

Watching her take that first bite and seeing her eyes roll as the craving was satisfied.

"Want some?" She offered.

Shaking my head "all yours".

She smiled "you're missing out".

Leaving her in the recliner I went to bed. Didn't even realize when I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. Opening the door I saw Michelle in the recliner knocked out.

A smile crept onto my face. I wish she would change her mind and move in.

Making sure she was covered... moving the blanket some more so she was comfortable. She moved a bit. Not wanting to wake her up. I slowly went about my way getting dressed and going to work.

With the baby coming I got a few extra hours at the cafe. Which also meant our time to see each other was limited. Hence why I wanted her to sleep over every other weekend. Didn't want to miss anything.



I can see Tatum isn't the tidiest person... but damn. Rolling my eyes when I saw the garbage running over. We agreed I would stay here every other weekend. Leave it up to Tatum he rather me live here. But realistically it's not a big enough space.

Before I could tie up the bag a knock on the door made me jump. Peaking out the small window I saw Ariana. What the hell does she want?.

Opening the door I cleared my throat "are you lost?".

She smirked "wow he's still with you?".

Opening the door wider so she could see all of me.. she gasped "holy shit".

I nodded "yup, what were you saying?".

She stuttered a bit "you know what you can't help me anyway. When Tatum gets home... tell him I stopped by. Since I already saw him the other night at the market. Should've known he would never eat hot Cheetos".

"It was delicious" I smiled.

"Can't believe he got you pregnant... he's really trying to up one everyone else" she said.

"Meaning?" I asked.

"You wouldn't understand. But yeah... I guess congratulations?" She said. Watching her walk back to her car.

Later on that night Tatum walked through the front door. He looked exhausted. Now I would feel bad for him working so much but after what this heffa said... "hey baby" he smiled. He kissed me and reeked of coffee.

"Hey" I said.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

Shaking my head. He raised his brow "Michelle I know you like a book. What's wrong?".

"Well you had a visitor today. Ariana. Surprise she now knows I'm pregnant. Also she seemed not as upset but more of you are trying to up one everyone else" I said.

He sighed "don't listen to her. She's upset I'm with you that's it".

"Hmm that's all?" I asked.

He nodded "yes I swear... she's trying to make your mind go crazy. Don't let her win".

"Oh... okay" I said.

He knelt down to me level "I know you don't believe anything I'm saying but it's the truth". I smiled "you know me so well".

He kissed me again "I sure do".

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