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Michelle wasn't happy with the fact I was going to a meeting tonight. But I had a job to do. Putting on my wifebeater she sighed "I guess". Turning to my phone her face was looking upset "don't put your face that way... smile for me".

She sucked her teeth "nope you know how I feel about this whole thing".

"I know, I know" I said.

"It's weird. But you do you. I'm going to let you go" she said.

Not wanting Michelle mad at me... "how about tomorrow night we go on a date. Wherever you want to go we will go".

She smirked "okay".

Ending the FaceTime call. I mentally prepared myself for this meeting. I haven't been there in a while. Since Ariana knows Michelle is expecting... they all know. Not really knowing what to expect.

Moments later I walked through the double doors. Mostly getting side eyes. Yup she told everyone.


"Everyone take a seat... I have an announcement to make" the head leader said.

Taking a seat on the side I waited for my fate.

"Well firstly let's welcome Tatum back. Since he's been MIA... he's been playing house with a nigger!" The leader said.

Everyone stared at me.

"Usually we would beat your ass but... I like you Tatum. You fit well here. You are one of us!. I refuse to lose you to a nigger. They take everything away from us!" He said.

Not saying a word.

"With that said we are giving you a month to leave her. If not, let's just say someone will get hurt" he warned.

Turning to Ariana she smirked at me.

Mentally kicking myself. Last thing I need nor do I want Michelle getting hurt. Getting up I stretched "anyway change of topic... don't worry about me. I'm here for this brother hood. Nothing can tear us apart".

Everyone cheered... that was a save.



"Whitney how do I look?" I asked.

She turned around from her computer "pregnant?".

Titling my head "well from the obvious".

"You look very pretty! Where are you love birds going tonight?" She asked.

"Not sure" I said.

Honestly with Tatum still with this nazi shit and me being pregnant. I don't know but I feel so unsafe. Maybe I'm crazy.

"You seem not yourself" Whitney said.

"I wonder if I made a mistake letting Tatum know about this pregnancy. Maybe it's hormones but the feeling of safety isn't around anymore. He refuses to give up what he's doing" I said.

Whitney sat me down "Michelle at the end of the day Tatum is the father of that baby. It wouldn't be fair to that child it Tatum isn't involved. From the looks of it he's as excited as you about it. Try talking to him first".

The doorbell rang we both glanced one another "let me go". Whitney hugged me "try and enjoy yourself. Stop worrying so much".

Tatum came through the screen door "ready?".

I nodded.

He held the door open "hello Whitney!". She smiled "hey Tatum". Walking away from him to his car. He opened the car door for me "you okay?".

I smiled "yeah".

The ride was quiet. My mind was racing with thoughts. He glanced at me "is something bothering you?".

"Umm just the normal things" I said.

He pulled over the car "like what?".

"Well for starters you still communicating with these weirdos ... and you refuse to leave the so called job" I said.

He sighed "Michelle look I can't just quit. I'm in too deep. If I quit they'll know that I was an informant".

"That doesn't make sense" I said.

"Because you don't understand how this works" he said.

Feeling a headache approaching "fine! forget I said anything".

"Michelle I promise you that'll I will protect you from this lifestyle. You and that baby is the only thing that motivates me everyday to be better. Once this blows up... I get paid and we can buy a house. Just let me finish this up first".

I nodded. Expressing my feelings to him felt wasted. Like my feelings didn't matter.

He started to drive again.

And again the ride was quiet.

I'm starting to slowly regret letting Tatum back into my life.

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