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Thank goodness Tatum agreed to come out with us to dinner. Whitney was ogling Chad the entire time. Meanwhile, Chad was glancing at me at times.  Feeling Tatum's hand on my thigh felt reassuring.

"Michelle I was telling Chad how when we were little you used to get me in trouble" Whitney smiled.

Swallowing my water "yeah I did. Whitney has always been the boring type. So I would excite things by getting her into trouble".

Chad smiled "very interesting! Whitney is far from boring. I guess you would have to be interested in things she likes". Whitney kissed chad's cheek "thank you baby! At least someone understands".

Tatum cleared his throat "so when are you two lovebirds tying the knot?".

"A wedding?! That means cake!" Ava excitingly chimed in.

"If there's food.. Ava is there" I joked.

Chad smiled "if it was up to me... I would marry Whitney now. But I'm respectful of her decision making. Whenever she's ready I'll be there waiting to take her hand into mine".

Whitney made this odd noise but hugged Chad "isn't he the absolute best?!".

"So there isn't a wedding?!" Ava whined.

"No honey! Not yet anyway" Tatum answered.

Chad looked around before turning to Whitney "we've been dating for quite sometime... I can't wait to wake up to you every morning. Have your smell stapled in my home... I mean our home if you accept that I want you to move in with me. Let's make my home.. our home".

I choked in my water... Tatum patted my back repeatedly. Whitney turned to me " are you okay?".

"Yeah.. wow Chad I wasn't expecting you to ask my sister that. Whitney think clearly about this. You love having your own space" I said.

"True but I truly love this man. Chad opened my eyes to things" Whitney said.

"What if things don't work out. Where will you live?" I asked.

"Michelle you act like I'm selling the house and moving with Chad" Whitney said.

Chad turned to Whitney "but why wouldn't you sell your house when you're moving in with me?".

"Mic drop" I said.

Whitney didn't see this coming "no offense Chad but what if we don't work out? I'll be shacking up Michelle Ava Ava".

Tatum waved his finger "they'll be living with me".

"Say what? When?" I asked.

"We go live with this man saying he's my dad?"Ava asked.

"Well I figured since a very stub someone was making you feel uncomfortable that it'll be best if you live with me. I want to always protect you and our daughter" Tatum said.

Before I can answer Whitney jumped in "who's making you feel uncomfortable?".

Slightly eyeing Chad... his whole face changed. He stared at me as if his eyes were saying do not dare say anything to Whitney or else.

"No one you know" I lied. Once those words escaped my lips his face lit up.

Tatum didn't like the fact I didn't out him right there infront of Whitney.

"Oh I was to say.." she said.

Turning my attention back to Tatum "are you serious about Ava and I living with you? I mean we just somewhat rekindled a spark between us".

He nodded "I know. But we can slowly take things to whatever level your on. No pressure and no rush".

Thinking about this for a second. He does have more room where he's living. Ava wouldn't have to sleep with me. Also Chad wouldn't be an issue. But then Tatum has enemies! Don't want Ava around that.

Tatum was intensely staring at me I guess to see if he can guess what my answer would be. I'm doing this for Ava. She has the right to get to know who her father is.

"Okay we'll move in" I said.

Tatum's eyes lit up in happiness "wow! Didn't think you would say yes".

"I'm doing this so Ava can learn more about you" I said.

"Sure you are" Whitney teased.

"Don't you have a choice to make about the house?" I asked.

"Are you crazy? I'm not selling that. Im keeping it as a vacation home" she said.

Chad wasn't too happy about that answer but he had to suck it up. Whitney has always Bern the type to know what she wants. There's no changing her mind. If you succeeded then she really trust you.

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