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Helping Michelle with her things as well as boxes. Ava was inside looking at television. And when I say Michelle packed her whole world in these heavy boxes.

"How many boxes do you have?" I asked.

"Not a lot! After this one you're done" she said.

Placing the last box done I closed the door. Taking in a deep breath "now that was a lot of work".

"Oh please! I believe you do more labor at work" Michelle teased.

I sat next to Ava trying to catch my breath. Michelle took a seat next to me "so you think this is a good thing, right?".

Taking her hand into mine "I would never suggest something that would be wrong for you or Ava. Trust the process. Also you're away from Chad".

Michelle nodded "Chad... he's so weird!".

"Also why didn't you out him at dinner? You had a perfect opportunity" I asked.

"Whitney looked so happy. I didn't want to ruin that. She finally has something she wants and as a sister I couldn't take that from her. So instead I just remove myself" she said.

Understanding her reason but also she should've said something "what if he ends up cheating on Whitney? You could've stopped it from happening".

Michelle shook her head "if he does... he's done".


That night we put Ava in her own room. That was a challenge. She has never had her own room so she's been begging Michelle to sleep with us.

"Ava! No come on you're a big girl" Michelle said.

"No!" Ava whined.

Michelle glanced at me for help "Ava let's go to your room".

She shook her head "no!".

Extending my arm out "come on". She looked hesitant but walked me to her room. The lights was on... I have a surprise for you. She raised her brow "what?".

Going behind the dresser I click a button which had turned on a dimmer light surrounding the room. Turning off the base light she looked in awe. "Whoa this is cool!".

"I figured you would like it" I smiled.

She got into bed and just kept looking at the lights. Walking out I closed her door.

"How'd you do it?" Michelle asked.

"Well she's young so I know being in the da EJ probably scares her... so I got those boarder lights. It did the job" I said.

We sat in the couch while she played some soft music. Hearing her hum the music brought me back.

"Can I ask you something?" Michelle asked.

"Sure, what?" I asked.

"When you were with her did you ever think of me?" She asked.

"Everyday. Then when I didn't see you around it made me wonder" I said.

She put her head down and continued to hum. Taking her hand into mine and stroking her finger gently "but we are here now. Let's make the best of it".

Michelle nodded "I'm sleepy".

"Okay, our room is at the right" I said.

"Oh that's right I forgot we would share a bed together" she said.

"I promise I won't touch you. Don't worry" I said.

She squinted at me.

I put my hands up "I promise".

We both got up and walked to our room. She stopped and slowly opened Ava's door and seen she was sleeping.

"You can get the right side. I know how you always liked that side of the bed" I said.

"You remember a lot" she said.

"When it comes to you? Yes" I smiled.

She stood there like she wanted to do something but stopped.

"You okay? I hope I'm not rushing you into anything" I said.

She shook her head "no I'm fine. Just that old feelings are surfacing. But at the same time I don't want to get hurt again. That pain was too much to take in".

Pulling her into my arms "I'm sorry! But I can tell you I won't ever in my life allow you to feel any pain. I want to be the best father/future husband to you. You deserve someone to treat you like a queen".

She looked up at me that's when time froze.

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