Call It a Premonition

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WARNING: This gets REALLY racy at the end but it's not super bad. Ok it's pretty bad. I have no idea what part of my mind that stuff came from...

Fitz groaned when he heard his alarm clock. He was about to pick it up and throw it against the wall when he remembered what he had to do that day. His body was hurting a little and his hand alot.

"Oh, I fell out of bed last night. That explains a lot!" He had about 2 hours until he was supposed to meet Jemma. 'Wait which lab?' He didn't want to text her but he was unsure if she wanted to meet at the lab on the Bus, or the base's lab. He wanted to go to the Bus's lab because it had more meaning, but his gut told him to go to the lab on the base. He smelled his shirt. 'Ugh, I stink.' He turned on the shower to let it heat up and steam the room. He removed his shirt only to find bruises on his stomach.

He suddenly got very nervous. He wasn't muscular. I mean he was defined, but he was no Mike Peterson. Why would Jemma like him? He shook those thoughts off and hopped in the shower. The water was scalding so he turned it to a more comfortable temperature and stood in the spray.

Fitz didn't want to yell at her today, but there was just so much pent up anger and it had to come out sooner or later. He was just tired of sidestepping his problems and was ready to take them on by any means necessary.


Jemma awoke 30 minutes prior to Fitz. Call it an internal alarm clock sort of thing. She was the morning type sort of person that always awoke early and in a peppy mood. Only today, she wasn't peppy. She felt sick to her stomach. She ran to her bathroom and threw up in the toilet. Boy, was she nervous. She opened up her medicine cabinet and took some Pepto to calm her stomach. She turned on her shower hoping the hot water would calm her nerves and make her feel better. She stared at herself in the mirror. She had a petite figure, yes, but she hated the way her hips were unequal to the rest of her. Those demons at the bottom of the ocean were back. She stepped into the scalding water to escape them, but her mind wouldn't rest. Thought like he still hates me, and I'm ugly filled her mind. She started sobbing and went limp on the wall of the shower. She didn't know why she was crying or upset. 

Everything just seemed off today, for both of them. Call it a premonition or whatever, but something was really wrong.

She stepped out of the shower and blew her hair dry. She applied more makeup than usual but held off on the amount of mascara she applied. She didn't want to look too much like a monster in case she started crying. She put on one of Fitz's jumpers she had stolen from him back at the academy, and some jeans. 

Her phone read 9:15. She should start walking over. She took one last look at the mirror to check her slightly puffy eyes and grabbed her note off her nightstand. She secured it in her pocket and started walking. She saw no one on her way over and was glad Coulson had respected her request. She peered into the lab and saw it was empty, so she walked over to her workbench and pulled over a nearby stool. She looked at the clock on the wall: 9:25. 'Oh my gosh, what if he doesn't come?' She almost started crying again when she heard footsteps coming down the hall. She stood up and smoothed out her shirt and checked her hair. She clasped her hands in a way that just made her look nervous.

Fits turned the corner to see Jemma fiddling with her hands. 'Uh oh, she looks nervous.' 'Should I say hi or smile or something?'

"Hi Fitz." 

"Um, hi Sim-Jemma."

"I have my letter here.."

"Uh about that," he cut her off.

You Belong with Me, Not Swallowed in the SeaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz