5 Questions

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Fitz waltzed into the lab at about 3 the same afternoon. He had just found the problem with Lola's engine, and knew exactly how to fix it. He was whisteling some random tunes as he strode over to his workbench. 

Jemma was hunched over her microscope. She was examining some derivative of the GH-325 serum Hydra had created when she heard the lab doors hiss open. In strode Fitz with a proud look on his face. Jemma chuckled at his gleam as she turned around to have a conversation with him. After last night, the awkardness was barely there. It was like they had more breathing room. 

Fitz saw Simmons laugh when he walked in. 'Wow, do my emotion look so visible on the outside of me?," he thought. He smiled at her and went to find the part that would fix Lola.

'Oh my gosh, he smiled at me!" Simmons day was just made by a smile from her best friend. She watched as Fitz opened all the drawers of his workbench and started looking for something. Jemma's thoughts quickly wandered as she saw him pick up little machine parts, and examine them with his strong, calloused, god-like hand. 'I wish those hand were on me.' She fantasized in her head a hot make-out session with Fitz, where he had her sitting on the edge of the holotable with his hands roaming up her body as she kissed him passionately.

She whimpered out loud. That's when Fitz noticed her staring at him (or rather in his area) with glassy eyes and a look on her face that Fitz had never seen.

"Simmons. Simmons! Hello? Anyone there?"

Jemma was snapped out of her fantasy when she heard Fitz voice. She hadn't realized she had been staring at him for the past 2 minutes as he searched for... whatever he was looking for. 

"Sorry, Fitz. I just zoned out for a minute or two." She cleared her throat and continued. "Um, what are you looking for? Anything I can do to help?"

"I was just looking for a little piston piece to fix Lola's engine," he stated.

"Oh, cool," she replied.

There it was again. That awkard silence. 

"Um, Fitz, I have an idea," she proposed.

"Ya, sure. What is it about?

"Us,"  Jemma replied slowly. She didn't want to scare him because this was a good answer to their situation. She was sure it would work.

Fitz went stiff under her gaze. He was scared. Everything had been good that day. He woke up to Jemma in his arms, he knew how to fix Lola's engine problem. But he knew nothing good would last long in his current period of life.

"Um, ok. What's your idea?"

She smiled. She was so sure this would work. "It thought of this while I was in the shower this morning. We each write down 5, or less, because I don't want to pressure you, I'm not, I mean you certaintly....."

"Jemma!," he half shouted. "You are rambling again, lass."

"Right. Sorry. Ok we each write down 5, or less, question on a seperate piece of paper and trade off. We can take a few hours to answer them, and switch again. Then in the morning, we can talk about our answers."

Leo felt a shiver go up his spine. He liked the idea, but was unsure of how it would turn out. Then again, he thought it was a good idea and decided to go along with it. 

"Ok," he agreed. "Lets take an hour to write down our questions and meet back here in the lab. Then we can trade off, go back to our rooms for another 2 hours and answer each others."

"Then," she chimed in to finish his sentence. "Swap out the answered questions and take the night to think about them."

"Good idea," they said at the same time. 

"I can finish fixing Lola tomorrow. Meet here in 30?," he asked.

"Sounds great."

And with that Jemma hurried to put up her lab equiptment, Fitz to close up Lola, and get to writing their 5 (or less) questions.

Author's Note: Ok, I felt like my writing was a little off that chapter.  My apologies if it's confusing.

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