Letters to a Loved One (Part 1)

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UPDATE: This isn't super close to the end, but it's getting there. I promised emileexox a makeout session for Fitzsimmons. (I practically ruined the ending, but whatever) I capable of writing that stuff... but if ur really good at that message me and I will give u full credit. Idk when Jemma's letter will come it just depends on how much free time I have. Thanks for reading. Please favorite, share, and subscribe!!

As the scientist finished putting up whatever they were working on today, they got ancy and nervous.

'What have I done?!," thought Jemma. 

"Oh God, what if she says she doesn't love me?!," thought Fitz.

Jemma walked out of the lab just as Fitz closed Lola's hood. They gave each other nods and smiles. 

"30 minutes, correct?," asked Fitz.

"Yep. 30 minutes to write and meet in the lab," she replied. 

They both sped off to their bunks (which happened to be on the same hallway) so it was kinda awkward. Jemma slipped into her bunk, and Fitz did the same to his own.

As soon as Fitz closed his door behind him he plopped down on his bed. He didn't know what to ask her. Scratch that last statement. He knew what to ask her, he just didn't know how to ask her. He didn't want to be too blunt, but he didn't want to, in any way, hurt her feelings.

Suddenly, his mind solved his problem. He checked his watch to see how much time he had left. 22 minutes had already gone by!

'Geez, Simmons is probably already waiting for me.' He reached over to his desk for a pen and some paper and got to writing.

1. Why did you leave? Fitz wanted a clear answer this time to his question.

2. Why do you feel like you being around me makes me worse? 

3. What can I do to help you? 

4. Why didn't you leave me in the pod?

5. Do you love me like I love you?

Fitz was scared to ask #5, his hand started shaking when he tried to write that specific one.

'2 minutes left until I'm supposed to meet Jemma.'

He stood up and opened his door. He was prepared to handle whatever was coming his way.

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