Fitz's Decision

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May caught the 2 girls running about half way to the meeting room. "You're late...," said May.

Skye could've sworn she caught a glimps of motherly compassion in May's eyes when she saw Simmon's red rimmed eyes. "Hurry up. We're waiting."

The 2 girls continued their run to the meeting room. "Ahh, you're here. Let's get this show on the road!," Coulson exclaimed when he saw them at the doorway.

Leo immediatly noticed the 2 girls red eyes. He just couldn't stop staring at Jemma, and how beautiful she was even if she had been crying. 'But she thinks I'm broken, helpless, worth nothing. She'll never love me back,' he thought. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Jemma staring at him back. There were emotions in her eyes he had never seen before. It looked like emptiness and sadness. They both looked away at the same time. To Leo, the clock on the wall had never seemed so interesting... 'Oh, yeah I should listen to what Coulsons saying,' thought Fitz. Coulson was explaining the plans to take down the buried city. Fitz was placed to work with Tripp and Jemma. 'Wait!. What, I don't want to work with Jemma.' Fitz loathed the fact that he would have to talk to Jemma about what happened down in the med pod. He wanted his best friend back. He wanted to be Fitzsimmons again. 'But she'll never understand me.'

"Meeting dismissed," said Coulson. Everyone started to leave the room. He decided to follow Tripp since he was working with him... And Jemma. 

He followed Tripp down to the garage where they started packing. Mack was in there too. Fitz was thankful for the 2 guys that understood him. It was silent for a few minutes as the 3 men were packing. It was Mack who broke the silence first. "Look," started Mack. "I know you don't want to work with Agent Simmons anymore. Sooo, why don't come work with me in the Garage. You can't work with her. So why don't you just work for her." "The man has a point," stated Tripp. "It won't hurt Simmons too much because she will still see you. Even if she is the one who left you." Due to instinct, Fitz almost defended Jemma. Saying that she did it to help him. Fitz smirked at himself in his head. 'She left me! Why should I defend her! She doesn't even care about me anymore. She was probably crying about some stupid problem that she had. Maybe she found out that someone is smarter than her. What a Nyaff.' And with those thoughts, Fitz agreed to the plan. They finished packing and loading of the plane and set off. 

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