
1.9K 95 128

★·.·´¯'·.·★ . ★·.·´¯'·.·★

It was a young evening as Shuichi was being taught how to handle customer returns. Lucky for him, Kokichi already knew how to do it, and was showing him the ropes. Of course, things had been awkward between , but that feeling had eased off, and they were .. okay now. And Kokichi had seemed like his normal self. He was being nice to Shuichi as well while he told him how their return policy worked and all that. Though Kokichi teased Shuichi being slow to learn, Shuichi felt like things were starting to get back to normal. Only problem that was noticed by Shuichi was how Kokichi acted strange when Shuichi hung out Kaede. Did he get in a fight with her recently?

"So this is about Akamatsu-chan then?"

Shuichi remembered Kokichi said that a few days ago. But they haven't talked about it since. And Shuichi didn't want to start anything, so he hoped they could just forget it for now.

"So if they want the refund on card, you press this and–" Kokichi was explaining to Shuichi, but paused when an older lady, mid-thirties, had come up to the counter. She had obviously died her hair blonde too many times it could fall out, her makeup too caked on, and looked like she was trying too look younger than she really was. Immediately Kokichi looked uninterested– not happy the time he was sharing with Shuichi was being interrupted by some lady with cranberry juice, which was what she was holding. Shuichi caught the look of annoyance cross his purple eyes before Oma grinned at the lady. "Heya! How can we help you?" he piped up, smiling at her. However, he was given something slammed on the countertop in front of him instead with such force something red splattered on the front of Kokichi's blue vest; that made his expression twitch as he saw the juice stain his work vest. Byakuya would definitely get mad at him if he saw Kokichi wearing soiled clothes.

"I came yesterday ," she started, and Kokichi turned his head to roll his eyes. God, here was another of these Karen customers. "And I shopped here. But you have sold me this juice here which is expired ." she announced each word clearly and loudly, like any employee nearby needed to hear what tragedy was occurring. She crossed her boney arms. "So I want a refund along with the other things I bought," she finished, scoffing at the end.

Shuichi stood nervously to the side. He never faced any problematic customers before so he wasn't sure what to do, but since Kokichi was the one working behind  the counter today, he let him take care of it.

Kokichi picked up the juice and looked it over. He couldn't even find a date, but the juice had been open and almost half empty.

"I can refund you for the juice, but I need a receipt." He said.

"Well guess what , I don't have it. Nobody gave me one."

"So you don't have a receipt for the juice or the other things you want to return?" Kokichi asked, almost laughing, finding this amusing as he looked over the counter at her cart, which was empty. She also added in she didn't bring the other food she bought because she already cooked it for her kids. But it was also expired so she needed a refund for it.

Kokichi shrugged. "I guess I can't help you without the products or even the receipt as proof," he said back causally, a smirk on his face. "Sorry ma'am ~" he added, definitely not meaning it no matter how playful or nice he said it.

Well that just triggered the lady. She immediately began to yell and curse which didn't faze Kokichi in the slightest, though it terrified poor Shuichi; his face was pale and he was frozen in place as he watched the scene unfold in front of him: Kokichi and the customer were fighting now; Kokichi being sarcastically a pain and not making things any better , of course. 

But when he saw the lady grab the juice, Shuichi's eyes targeted on her hand. The lady in a second had pulled the lid off the juice, and she pulled her arm back. Kokichi hadn't even noticed really what she was doing until he saw her throw the juice in his direction as she plotted to pour it all over him.

However, Shuichi's instincts were faster, and any intimidation he felt dealing with a stranger vanished when he knew instantly what she was about to do. In her second of doing that, he took half the time to immediately step in front of Kokichi, holding out his arms like a shield as he took the blow of having sticky red juice thrown all over his shirt and face.

For a second, everyone wa silent. Kokichi's eyes were wide. His mouth agape. Shuichi didn't have any hesitation standing in front of him like that.


Shuichi didn't move , not letting the lady have a chance to throw anything at Kokichi. "I'm sorry. Please leave." he said seriously, his expression showing he wasn't playing around. It was certainly a look Kokichi never seen on Shuichi before.

But Byakuya's bodyguards had walked past when the lady threw the juice, so they already were making their way over to lead her out of the store, which they did after Shuichi finished talking his little words he had to say. After she was out of sight, he sighed with relief and looked back at Kokichi.

"Sorry, Oma-kun, I guess I'll go have to get cleaned up before we can continue," he apologized with an sheepish smile.

★·.·´¯'·.·★ . ★·.·´¯'·.·★

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