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★·.·´¯'·.·★ . ★·.·´¯'·.·★

As much as Shuichi knew he was in trouble, his heart couldn't stop racing, he couldn't stop smiling, either. He walked hand-in-hand with Kokichi as they headed for their boss's office. And yeah, there was the chance Byakuya might fire Shuichi, but he could live with it as much as he would be disappointed. Right now, the thing that made him most happy wasn't his job, it was Kokichi Oma.

"I hope he doesn't fire you or anything.." Shuichi murmered. He could live with himself loosing his job, but he would feel bad if Kokichi got fired. "I'll take the blame."

Kokichi gave Shuichi a curious look before he smiled. "Nah, I doubt it. Besides, Togami-chan is super anxious when it comes to firing people!" He exclaimed.


"Hehe~ No. I lied~ Truth is, we're totally screwed!"

Well that was reassuring to hear. But nevertheless, Shuichi found himself laughing at Kokichi's lie. He was so happy right now, nothing could bring him down from this amazing feeling. His chest felt so light, nothing was being kept between them, no more awkward encounters, no more wondering what to do with their feelings for each other, right now, they were just two happy high schoolers in retail who fell in love during the process of working here. It sounded ridiculous, but it was true.

As the both entered Byakuya's sophisticated office, they were greeted by the unpleased blonde. He adjusted his glasses fashionably, and cleared his throat.

"Do you think we play games here, at the Togami Walmart Cooperation?" He asked his rhetorical question in a smooth manner, yet the irritation was definitely behind his words. "This ie the second time I've caught you two fools acting about. First time, I was kind enough to let you off the hook, only because I found enough kindness in my heart to do so, and because it was dark outside with nobody who could've seen you.." By now, both Shuichi and Kokichi looked extremely nervous, and were both anxiously looking at their feet rather their boss.

"But now you disrespect my store by making out in it!? Despicable behavior, and I should say, you're both fir—"

However, Byakuya didn't finish because the sound of a gunshot echoed throughout the store.

Shuichi immediately tensed up, his hand tightened its hold on Kokichi.

"Were those... gunshots..?" Kokichi asked out loud, but got no answer from Shuichi. That sound was coming from the front of the store.

Shuichi thought they were perhaps gunshots, then shook his head. "No. This story is too light humored. That sounded like something else.."

Byakuya paused. He quickly walked over to a series of security cameras and screens that showed every inch of the store. That must've been how he saw Shuichi and Kokichi.. well, anyway, Byakuya's sharp blue eyes darted across the screen until he saw something. By the front doors, there were four men. Wait, those men. Of course! Shuichi immediately recognized them as the men he saw in the parking lot that night. The men who were going after retail stores!

Byakuya pressed a button to activate the mic.

"This is Byakuya Togami. Who are you?" He asked into the speaker, his tone stern, cold. He wasn't playing around. How dare these disgusting men enter his Walmart. He would put an end to this.

"Ah, Mr. Togami," one of the men spoke up. He had sharp, narrow, blue eyes, smoothed back white hair and was wearing a dark black coat and a face mask painter's used when painting to avoid breathing in the chemical paint fumes.  "We've been watching this place for awhile now. After all, the son and heir of the Togami family orchestrates this store–"

"Enough," Byakuya interrupted. "Tell me what you want." He noticed his employees were all in a row on the ground. They must be being held hostage: Kaito, Kaede, and everyone else; a man with a bright punt hair and a black beanie who was also wearing a painters face mask was holding a large spray paint gun at them.  "Hurry up." Byakuya impatiently added.

The leader scowled at the camera. "Fine then.. You agree to come down here as our hostage and we let your precious employees go."

"So that's your plan? Hold me hostage? Then I suppose use me as a bargaining chip to gain money from my family in exchange of my safety?"

"Exactly. You are smart, huh." The leader laughed, running a hand through his hair before he aimed his spray paint gun at the camera and shot it with paint. The screen when black, now unable to see what was going on.

Shuichi and Kokichi witnessed the entire conversation. Byakuya was being blackmailed? They almost couldn't believe it.

"Togami-san! What are you going to do..?"

"You can't go down!" Kokichi exclaimed, worry across his expression. "We have to call the police!"

"No doubt they cut off connection." Byakuya said, pulling out his phone and showing them the 'no wifi connection' that appeared in the phone screen. "They have thought this out carefully."

Shuichi felt like a weight overcame his body. He couldn't move.

Byakuya sighed, adjusting his glasses again. "You two stay here. Don't leave this room no matter what.." he said quietly, opening the door.

"Togami-san–" Shuichi tried to stop him, but froze when Byakuya looked at him.

"Hmpf. You weren't too bad of an employee, Emo-Mess." Byakuya stated, an amused smile tugged at his lips before he shut the door behind him.

★·.·´¯'·.·★ . ★·.·´¯'·.·★

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