-☆𝗔 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗻☆-

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★·.·´¯'·.·★ . ★·.·´¯'·.·★

After Byakuya shut the door, the feeling of dread settled over the office and suffocated Shuichi. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. Was there nothing he could do? The sound of the door locking was heard, and it was certain Byakuya locked the two in; to keep others out and them out of harm's way. After all, these men who were demanding orders were dangerous. What could Shuichi do? Perhaps it was best to listen to Byakuya and stay here with Kokichi, and make sure nothing could happen to him unlike their unfortunately boss. Yeah, Shuichi could at least look after Kokichi...

"Oma-kun," Shuichi was going to say something like they should hide until proper authorities arrive, but to his surprise, Kokichi was picking the door with some paper clips he probably stole from Byakuya's desk.

"Wait, what are you doing??!"

"I'm getting us out!"

"Listen, Oma-kun, this isn't the time to play around.." Shuichi put a hand on Kokichi's shoulder. "If we go out there, we could get seriously hurt. We're not prepared for this." He tried to explain, but Kokichi scoffed and looked up at him with an irritated glare he had never seen Kokichi wear before.

"Saihara-chan! You're a stupid detective aren't you?! Your job is to save people!" He exclaimed exasperated. Then looked down. "And.. if we don't save Togami-chan... it's my fault, isn't it...?" He asked quietly, sulking on the floor. "That night when the criminals were in the parking lot, you tried to warn me to be quiet... we probably could've caught them then and there, but.."

Shuichi's face fell as he saw Kokichi begin to cry– wail like a little kid.

"But I was too busy trying to seduce Saihara-chan that we lost our chance!!! N-now Togami-chan is getting punished and it's my fault!!" He cried, rubbing his watering eyes.

"Oma-kun.." Shuichi quietly crouched down on the floor beside him, and brought Kokichi into a sudden, tight hug. "It's okay. You're just worried about Togami-san. I am too.."

"H-hey, I never s-said I was worried.." Kokichi tried to defend quietly. But Shuichi overlooked it.

"You're right.. I'm a detective and supposed to save people... If I can't save my own boss from some painting retail criminals, I'm not a very good dectetive, huh.." He couldn't believe he looked so lame in front of Kokichi. Shuichi was grateful Oma reminded him of what was really important right now: which was helping the others.

Shuichi pulled from the hug and took a breath, then gave Kokichi a determined look.

"Let's go save them! All of them! Let's save our friends, Oma-kun!"


Shuichi and Kokichi snuck through the edge of the store, keeping an eye out as they went along. They got out of the office easily thanks to Kokichi picking the lock in the office, but before they had headed out, Shuichi had a plan that he was hoping would work.

"Oma-kun, I have a plan," Shuichi had said in the office. "But .. it's going to involve some rule-breaking, which is why I'm sure you can do it."

"Aw! Got it!" Kokichi nodded seriously and looked at a map of the blueprints of the store which Shuichi had laid down on the floor.

"First we need to get a wifi connection to call for help as soon as possible. Now looking at this map, there's an air vent that leads from the bathrooms all the way to the rooftop. It's small... I think you'll fit better than me, but it's dangerous. You could get stuck, suffocate, or both and I–"

"Okay so I'm crawling through an air vent then!"

"Oma-kun –"

"Hey, Saihara-chan, if you just risk your life, you'll be the only one looking cool. Then you'll get a raise and I won't." Kokichi said , sounding annoyed. "Just trust me."

Shuichi blushed and scratched his cheek. "Sorry. You're right," he cleared his throat and looked serious again. "While you do that, I'm gonna try and find some way to save Togami-san, or at least, distract the criminals long enough help comes before they take him away."

That was basically the conversations the two of them had before sneaking closer and closer to the bathrooms.

Kokichi was actually about to head into the womens bathroom until Shuichi quickly grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"What are you doing!?" He hissed through his teeth, trying to keep quiet.


"Y-you can't go in there!"

"Does it really matter in this situation?"

"W-well– there's a vent also in the men's restroom. Go in there..!" Shuichi gave Kokichi a push towards the men's restroom, causing the smaller to quietly laugh.

"Kay, kay Saihara-chan." He agreed, opening the door, but paused then gave Shuichi a kiss on the cheek.

"What was that for?" Shuichi asked softly, holding the spot where Oma kissed him. Not that he didn't appreciate the gesture.

Kokichi grinned at him. "Thats my goodbye kiss."

Shuichi frowned. "I don't like it when you say it like that," he frowned and kissed Kokichi's forehead. "It's just.. a see you later kiss ." He corrected. Then blushed more and took a couple steps back. "S-so, see you later," he mumbled, averting his eyes.

Kokichi nodded, waving as the bathroom door slowly fell shut.

"See you later, Saihara-chan."

★·.·´¯'·.·★ . ★·.·´¯'·.·★

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