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so you're telling me i have an account on a blog site? 

that is what i'm telling you, yes

and that your real name is talia but you also go by mj?


and that you write on this blog site?


and i met you

on this blog site?


well fuck

that's a lot to take in

i know

i just thought you deserved to know

and i know you don't remember any of it but it's special to me 

how come it's special to you?

i'm sorry, all of this is just new to me

well i mean one way to find out would be to read our messages on here

but i guess that would be confusing if you don't remember anything 

yeah i did read back some of it but i'm just confused

so the other thing would be to read the other blog posts

there's more???

there are loads. there are some i made private, or didn't even publish, but i'm happy to send them to you

oh one more thing


you wrote on there too

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