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hey mj...

i needed to write this down for you. we've been talking for months...i really owe it to you to come clean. 

before i start...i just want to make this super clear. just because i'm coming clean about my identity doesn't mean you have to come clean about yours...i know how rare it is to find an ounce of privacy online, especially when you already have a large yeah. i'd understand if you wanna stay anonymous. i really do. 

i guess this next part is what you really wanted to know. and yeah, you guessed right. i am the simon you thought i was. i have no idea why i used my real name, but for some strange reason, i don't find myself regretting it. not one bit. 

in fact, i feel completely comfortable with the fact that you know who i am some way it makes me feel better than i was when i was anonymous? i'm still super glad i stayed anonymous at the start...because it was the first step towards actually talking about my feelings, but now that you know it's me, i'd still feel comfortable talking to you about everything. 

if you'd let me, of course.

i'm going to keep this username, but i'm going to private this account, so only you are following it. i think i'd feel safer that way. 

strangely, you already know me so much better than my friends do, and some of them i've known for over ten years. we just click, don't we? 

anyway, i think i've made my point.




. i think you're really brave for posting this

. and thank you for letting me know :))

. i've really enjoyed the last couple of months talking to you!!

. and i definitely will tell you my real name soon, i promise


. there's no rush! 

. me too :)

. maybe i'll even get to thank you in person one day too

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