(angst) Kakyoin - Lost letters

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 Slight spoiler warning for part 3!

'Dear (y/n),

I ever did this before, so please don't judge my words to you. I never thought that i'd catch feelings one day, but now, that exact thing happened. It always seemed impossible for me to find someone to love, but as soon as I laid eyes on you, it kind of felt like you would play a more important part in my life one day.

I really don't know what exactly to say, but you have to know that I overall really adore you. Your hair's pretty, and I love the way you look when you're happy, or how your cheeks redden when you're embarrassed. Sometimes I just want to pull you in a hug, and pat your head. That sounds weird, but I just think you're really cute.

I hope one day, we can play video games together, and I also hope that you can return the feelings for me. I don't really know how to phrase this, but I think I would go as far as to say that I love you. So please, make sure to respond quickly!

(Please keep in mind that the next few weeks i'm going on vacation to Egypt, so I won't be available. I just gave you his letter before I went away, because I'm scared of your reaction. But as soon as I'm home again, I hope that your response has arrived. And I hope that it's going to be a yes.)'

You folded your response letter, which of course was a yes together, as you knocked on Kakyoins door. His mother opened, and looked at you with a rather confused look. "I', sorry if I'm interrupting you, but is Kakyoin here? Is he back from his trip already? I'd really like to see him!" His mother suddenly started crying, and you were left with visible confusion.

"(Y/N), Kakyoin talked about you before he left. No one knows where he went, but we've received a message that he-" She crumbled on the floor, not being able to finish her sentence. Your heart was heavily pounding. Did he lie to you? "I thought he went onto vacation? That's what he told me at least..." You told her. "He just disappeared! He just was gone. And now we've received the message that he wont be coming back, he won't be coming back, and I don't understand it! I don't want to understand it!" "Are you telling me he's-" you didn't dare to finish the sentence. "Yes, he's not under the living anymore! He died, and I was worried because he was gone for so long! I thought he'd come back, but he didn't! I didn't even get the chance to tell him a last goodbye!" The response letter fell out of your hand, as you sat down next to his mother. You didn't think long about it, you just pulled her into a deep hug.

"I knew Kakyoin for so long. I fell in love with him, and he did fall in love with me. Why's life so unfair?!" You silently asked. "(Y/N), I sadly can't answer that question. But I know that he really adored you."

Hours of you sitting on the front porch of their house passed, as you finally gained the power to stand u again. After a long goodbye, you walked home. You sat down on your bed, taking his letter and pressing it against your chest, silently crying over the fact that he would never know that you loved him back.

I nearly cried while writing this myself, lmao. I think Kakyoin deserved better >:(  

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