(angst/lime) Kakyoin - Don't talk to him

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Requested by usagi-rin

The two of you were just staring at each other. It felt like a staring contest - but it wasn't. It was a play of lovers without words. He controlled your every move, and you did the same. If you ever saw him talking to another woman, you'd go absolutely crazy, and that vice versa for Kakyoin. Since the two of you
met each other, you never left the other one out of your eyes. Such fear of betrayal and cheating wasn't even needed, because the two of you would die for each other. You shared an extremely deep and loving relationship, with some little flaws being present here and there.

But Kakyoin was even more extreme when it was about protective and sometimes even obsessive bahviour. He didn't ever want to lose you, and would even kill for your love. He couldn't imagine a live without you by his side, and he fought for that. But tonight, you let down your guard after two shots of your favorite cocktail at the bar, and started talking to the bartender that was serving you. obviously, Kakyoin didn't enjoy that. You'd never done that before, and he was quite jealous. He wondered where your possesive behaviour went, and already missed you after you were talking to the bartender for only ten minutes - and after these ten mintes he had enough.

"What do you think you're doing here, sweetheart?" He told you in a calm way, even though he was burning inside. Kakyoin turned you around on the barstool to make you face him and then cupped your face. "I think it should be better if we'd get going for now..." He pulled out a fifty bill out of his pocket, and placed it onto the bar. You didn't even get to say goodbye, because Kakyoin grabbed your hand and pulled you with him. An unsure feeling spread throughout your body, and you could already feel that he was mad jealous - and that he was going to show you that he was.

He pulled you close and whispered into your ear. "Let's get home quickly, shall we?" Kakyoin grinned at you, and sqeezed your hand even tighter. The both of you took a taxi which brought you to Kakyoins home, and after the car stopped he immediatly went to his room with you, and as you arrived there he slammed the door, and pushed you onto the bed. "You know, darling... I want you to be mine forever. I can't let you go, I can't let you love someone else. You love me so, so much, you want to marry me, did you already forget?" "Kaykoin, don't get this wrong, we weren't even flirt-" He put his index finger onto your lips. "I'm talking, and I'm not finished yet. I think my words won't have a big impact on you though, so I'll let my actions speak... I'm very mad at you right now, and don't you dare ever talk to another male in front of my eyes if you don't want him dead by sunrise, my sweet little treat, aright?" You just nodded at his statement, and you knew exactly what was about to come.


Kakyoin was still in his dark suit, whilst you were lying underneath him in only your underwear. He stroked you body ever so slightly, placing small kisses all over it. He left some small hickies on your neck, making little squeals axit your mouth. "Kakyoin, please, go on!", you begged, and he just cackled in a dark voice. "I won't. Do it yourself and let me watch.", he demanded.

You knew it was going to be a long night, and you also knew to never talk to another man in front of Kakyoin again. But to be honest, your reaction when he was talking to another woman wasn't really different either...

I hope this is enjoyable lol, it's a bit short though, sorry abt that :(

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