(fluff) Josuke - Why'd you read it?!

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The sun shone in through the big windows. The little book was lying in the sun dipped in a perfect shade of yellow, it was just too tempting for Josuke to ignore. He knew that what he was doing was wrong, he shouldn't have opened the book, which happened to be your diary. "She's not here right now anyways, so taking a short glance won't hurt, am i right?" Josuke asked to himself. You weren't that consistent with writing your diary, you only wrote in a few important things here and there. About your grades, your friends, days you enjoyed, and- well, your love interests. Josuke was that special love interest, he just didn't know it yet.

You currently were in the bathroom, styling your hair and doing your makeup. You'd guided Josuke to your bed and told him to take a seat and wait for you. And unfortunately, you forgot to put away your diary. "I'll do it. It won't hurt her, right?", he asked into the room, obviously not getting an answer. So, he did it - he swung open the little black booklet, and started reading.

My grades are going down since I started hanging out with Josuke and Okuyasu more. But I'll gladly sacrifice my grades for them. They make me happy, and we're always having fun together. Meeting them was truly a miracle. Next summer is going to be the best of my life.

Josuke smiled. He was glad that you were that happy about having them as your friends. He continued reading:

Josuke's very handsome. Today he used his stand to fix a little wound on my knee, and smiled at me afterwards. I think I'm falling in love with him! I don't know if it's true though. Feelings are complicated, and I'm going to wait a while to figure out whether I am in love with him or not.

Josuke let out a small gasp after reading your entry from that day. You like him? You don't know yet? Now he definitely has to go on reading! He knew that you were a stand user, so seeing stands shouldn't be too out of the ordinary for you. But the little gesture he'd done for you, as he fixed your small wound with crazy diamond meant that much for you? He didn't expect that. But hearing that him caring for you made you happy, wanted Josuke to do it more often.

I now am sure about it: I think I am in love with Josuke! I stared at him like a lovey-dovey idiot the whole day today, but I don't think he noticed it. I am really scared of his reaction. But which reaction, when I don't even know how to tell him? He won't figure it out himself, will he?

"I'm an idiot...!" Josuke sighed. How could he not have noticed that! Was he mean to you with not noticing your obvious crush on him? No, that couldn't be. Such things didn't make you mad. You weren't that type of girl to be annoyed by that. Then he saw, that the next entry was from one day ago. Only yesterday the latest entry had been made!

I have to tell him. Only hearing his voice when he calls me drives me crazy. I can't help but get red when I'm looking at him. I also really adore his hair. And his uniform. And his everything. Everything about him is wonderful. I don't know if he likes me back thoug-

"Josuke, what the hell are you doing?" You snatched the diary out of his hands and slammed it onto the desk. He couldn't continue reading anymore, but he now knew for sure that you loved him. "It- I was just thinking that..." Josuke tried to save himself. But it didn't work. You were extremely mad at him. How could he just invade your personal space like this? Didn't Josuke know, that a diary contained some of the most secret secrets in the entire world?! Maybe that was a bit over the top, but you still wanted to punch him. "I can't believe you looked at it. What did you... read in there...?", you asked. If he had read about your feelings, then he'd tell it Okuyasu. He'd definitely do that, because they talk about everything. And then they're going to laugh about it. Maybe he wanted to end the friendship. Did it make him uncomfortable, you loving him?

"Well, i read about... your feelings, (y/n).", Josuke looked down. Was he shy? Ashamed? What did he think about it? "Please don't tell Okuyasu... I mean it, just shut your mouth and don't you dare tell anyone!", you blurted out. Josuke took a step forwards, and looked you in your eyes. "You can do that yourself; you know?", he grinned. Why was he grinning? "What do you mean by that? I won't tell anyone! I didn't even have the courage to tell you about it!" "Now there's no need for that anymore. He took another step forward, grabbed you by your wrists and-

Kissed you. He kissed you, and it was a wonderful kiss. It went on for ten seconds, and after those said seconds, he pulled away. "It's fine, (y/n). I felt the same way for you all along."
You couldn't believe your ears. Or eyes. Or lips. Were you dreaming? "Are you for real?" You asked him. Instead of giving you a proper answer, he just nodded, and pulled you into a hug. It was a hug filled with love, and your heart was pounding against your chest. "I can't believe it...", you mumbled, your words being muffled by Josukes shoulder against your mouth. "Well, you have to believe it, though! I really like you!" You intensified the hug. "So, let's get going now, Josuke... Okuyasu's probably already waiting over at Koichi's." He pulled away from the hug, and nodded.

"One question's left, (y/n)." You looked at him. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Of course, I want to be, Josuke. It'd be a pleasure." After hearing you say that, he kissed you yet again. It felt like a scene out of a cheesy romance movie, but it made you (and Josuke) extremely happy. So, you got going, holding Josuke's hand, excited to see the reactions of both Okuyasu, Koichi, and later on Yukako. Love really was able to take one higher.

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