(comfort) Doppio - Stars as bright as your eyes

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 "Doppio? Are you up?", you asked your boyfriend who was laying next to you. "Hm, what's it, (y/n)?", he asked you. Tears were running down your cheek and dripped onto the sheets. All the pressure you felt the last week at work was driving you crazy internally. And the family problems that added this weekend weren't helping you with your already increased stress level. But at least, you had your boyfriend. He was the only thing keeping you sane in tough times, who made you feel loved and appreciated. But still thinking about the possibility of him dying drove you crazy as well. All of these factors put your feelings down to the lowest making you feel like an idiot who worked at their fullest for the lowest of wages.

"Oh, you're crying! Come here..." Doppio shifted closer to you, and pulling you in for a tight hug, stroking your cheeks as he did so. He wiped of the tears on your face. "Do you want to tell me what has happened to make you feel like this? I'm always here to listen." him saying these words quietly into your ears made you feel at easy – for the moment, at least. "You see, it's just been a rough week for me. Work, the thing with my family, your risky tasks... All of these things drive me crazy!" Doppio grinned. "So, you're worried about me?" "Of course I am, silly! I couldn't afford losing you, what am I supposed to do alone? Cry even more?", you huffed back at him. "You don't have to. I'm paying good attention to myself and my surroundings." You took a deep breath. "Well, i'll believe you, I guess..."
Some minutes of the both of you just lying there, curled into each other passed, as Doppio had an Idea. "Are you into stargazing?" he had asked you. And of course, you replied with a yes. You figured it would really calm you down to rather look into the depths of space – then into the ones in your heart.

"Do you mind braiding my hair for me?" You looked at him, his pink hair falling over his shoulder. He never went out with his hair like that, even if it was a pitch black night with the moon hidden behind the clouds. So you grabbed a hair tie and started braiding. His hair was incredibly soft and smelled of his shampoo. Strand by strand you braided his hair, looking at the finished result proudly. "All done." To your surprise, Doppio lifted you up, and told you to position yourself onto his back to piggy-ride him.
You swung your hands around his neck, and him carrying you like that actually managed to make a small giggle escape your mouth.


As the two of you arrived at the huge garden, Doppio helped you get down from his back, and as that was done, he positioned himself into the grass, and you doing the same. He grabbed your hand, and looked into the night sky. "It's beautiful, isn't it?", you asked him. "The space is so fascinating to me. It's so far away, yet so seemingly close." he said. "I agree."
Minutes of you just lying there, in the wet grass holding hands passed, as he turned his head to look at you. "You know, (y/n), If I could, I would take you to space. You already shine like a star, you'd fit in with the others perfectly!" You giggled. "Doppio, stop being that cheesy..." "You know that I'm just teasing you. But besides that – I think you're really, really pretty! But, you already know that." he said. Hearing his calming words still made your knees weak – you fell in love with him more everyday.

"Do you already feel better?" he asked you. Currently you couldn't think about all your worries and problems, only wanting to live in this exact moment with him. "I think I do, yes. Thank you." He cupped your face. "It's nothing really." after he said that, he connected his lips with yours. He kissed you with a lot of passion, and you obviously did the same. After pulling away from him, you sat up. "I think I'm ready for sleep now.", you told him. "So am I. But, do you want to eat something? Earlier I realized that you hadn't eaten anything today." With the nodding of your head you agreed to his suggestion, leading him to cook you a good and rich meal. The two of you ate under the starry night sky.

"Thanks to you I already feel so much better!", you exclaimed after finishing your plate. "And thanks to you, I feel as if my life finally has a deeper meaning." Hearing him saying that made your face light up, and giving you that familiar warmth in your chest. Later that night you fell asleep with him hugging you tightly, symbolically protecting you from all evil hat has ever been or will ever be. With him by your side you felt as if there was nothing that could spare the two of you.  

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