(angst) Jotaro - The mere thought

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Jotaro and you just seemingly finished of an enemy stand user. It was a long and exhausting fight; you were tired and scared. But on the other hand, you were extremely happy that you and Jotaro managed to get this fight done. As you looked over to Jotaro though, your eyes widened. He was kneeling on the floor, tears streaming down his face.

"Jotaro, what's wrong?" you asked. "Look behind you, (Y/N)" he said, with a quiet voice, and a rather scared undertone. Scared of what was going to await you, you turned around, just to see the enemy who you thought you just defeated, stand up again. It seemed as if the scenario of you starting to fight that came to life 30 minutes ago repeated itself. You didn't hesitate for long, and took a good look onto the watch on your wrist. "It can't be... Time is repeating itself!" You realized. That was probably the work of the stand user in front of you. "(Y/N)! You told me you had his stand figured out!" Jotaro screamed. "I've got to witness all of that again! I don't want that to repeat itself, (Y/N)! Wasn't it your job to knock him out, to kill him?! Why did you hesitate!" Jotaro was practically sobbing by now.

The enemy just started laughing over the tears streaming down the usually calm and collected male. You were extremely confused to why Jotaro was that emotional. What happened in these 30 minutes? What could possibly be as bad as to have Jotaro crying over not having to experience it again? "I turned back time. I thought I'd be able to kill you already, but the two of you are rather strong. I underestimated you. But having you in such state as you are in right now should ease things up for me. And killing your partner will be as easy as cake, Jotaro!" A loud scream echoed of the walls, coming from Jotaro. It was filled with pure agony, and made you jump in shock. Seeing your Jotaro crumbled on the floor nearly broke your heart. Out of the adrenaline spreading in your body, you summoned your stand, ready to fight the enemy for real this time.

"You're such a disappointment!" Jotaro called out. He stood up, and walked over to you. The enemy, who took great pleasure of watching Jotaro losing himself like that, didn't attack you. Instead, he stood there, smirking. "your idiotic stand won't help anything, I can't believe you used me like that! You're useless! I wish, I never met you!" your heart shattered to pieces. What happened to Jotaro? He used Star Platinum's fist on you, making you tumble and fall to the floor. But Jotaro didn't seem to care. He went over to the enemy, ready for yet another heated up fight.

"Jotaro, why'd you get that worked up? All I did was turn back time and also," the enemy took a deep breath "I think you should just give up. It's no use! You sacrificed the life of countless people, and you're the only one who's still alive!" It was obvious that he tried to trigger Jotaros survivor's guilt by saying that. Your feelings were mixed up. Should you help him? Or should you run away? You didn't quite understand why Jotaro suddenly treated you as if you were a useless piece of garbage. "Shut the hell up!" Jotaros Star Platinum hit the enemy with never-before-seen force, which was probably formed of all the agon, shattered hope and despair inside of him. The enemy sunk to the floor, were he kept lying. Jotaro kicked him in his face, in his stomach, in his legs and arms countless times. He did that, until the enemy didn't take another breath.
He killed him.

As you took another look at your watch, time went by as if nothing happened. The extra 30 minutes never happened to anyone, except Jotaro and you. But his words still echoed in the back of your head. Didn't he love you after all? Was it all just a facade? He walked up to you. After being punched by Star Platinum, you were nearly unable to stand up. After all, the pain from the fight with the enemy was also still present, and Star Platinum didn't make it any better.

As Jotaro came closer to you, you crawled backwards. You were scared of Jotaro. "Stay back!" you shouted. Heavy clouds had formed earlier, and the stocked-up rain which was stored inside of them now started to pour down. Your breath was shaky, and your eyes watery. It wasn't much, but the few words of him broke something inside of you. What if that was, what he secretly thought of you? He came closer and closer. "I said stay back!" now, you were screaming. Your voice cracked mid-sentence, and you sobbed. "You're a monster, Jotaro! Why'd you do that?! Why would you hurt me like that, I nearly killed myself in that fight, and that was your appreciation?!" Of course, Jotaro didn't listen, as he came closer and kneeled before you. He took off his hat, and tossed it to the side.

"(Y/N). The stand made me remember what you forgot. He erased your memories of the 30 minutes he repeated. And in these 30 minutes, he painfully killed you! He wanted to make me see you die again! I had to do that, you had to stay back!" you've never seen Jotaro cry as hard as he did just now. His voice also cracked mid-sentence, just like yours. Both of you were hurt, you could sense that. "Are you serious?! Why didn't you tell me? And why did you call me useless? Why did you say all of these things to me then?" you screamed at him. "I didn't know if I could defeat him! I thought I was going to die, and I didn't want to leave you behind with love for me, I wanted to make you hate me with these few sentences, and I know it sounds stupid, but I just can't comprehend the fact that I could die anytime! It was the worst pain I've ever felt, seeing you die in these 30 Minutes, (Y/N)! I wanted to sacrifice my life instead! But I did it! I defeated him! I didn't mean it!"

As he explained himself, you started to understand. You were still hurt by his chosen words though. But his explanation made it all clear to you. Who knew you'd have to fight such a powerful stand? "Jotaro, I understand. But these few sentences could never make me not love you! Maybe they'd break my heart, but i could never stop loving you because of these damn sentences! If you'd have died, I would have come with you, because I simply can't cope with the fact of possibly losing you! That's why I'll always fight beside you!" you robbed over to him, and pulled him into a deep kiss, which he of course returned.

You brushed through his soft, black hair, which was wettened by the rain, and held on to his shirt. He grabbed your waist, and all he could think of was, that he'd never let you go again. But eventually, the kiss had to be broken, having both of you gasp for air. You looked into his blue eyes, and he looked into yours.

"(Y/N)?" he asked. "Yes, Jotaro?" you replied. "You're everything but a disappointment. I'm the happiest man on earth after getting to know you. Having you besides me is a blessing. I didn't mean it, really." He cried out. "I know that, Jotaro. That's why I could never stop loving you." A light smile graced his lips, as he collapsed in your arms. The fight nearly broke him apart. But instead of panicking about him waking up, which he would after a few minutes, you just kept on stroking his wet hair, appreciating his everything. 

Hurt my own feelings with that one... 

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