Zodiac Signs as...#19

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~Things Blackpink once said pt. 5

Aries: "Do you know any cities in New Zealand?"

Taurus: "Mi goreng enak! Sate enak!"

Gemini: "I was planning on giving her....a big.....slap in her face."

Cancer: "You don't like New Zealand accent?"

Leo: "Not bad, but not good"

Virgo: "If you were a cucumber, you'd be a cute-cumber"

Libra: "Rosie posie did it again"

Scorpio: "She got me like..uhm..underwear"

Sagittarius: "OH mY gOD DaDdy"

Capricorn: "Are you the moon?"

Aquarius: "I'm trying to look like a cocoon"

Pisces: "I got Rosie and me"

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