Chapter 1

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Laughing was all Erza heard as she entered the classroom. She was sent to drop off papers for a teacher. Erza had been an assistant teacher for a few weeks now, and she found it ridiculous how the teachers didn't stand up for the students.

Dropping the papers on the teachers stand. The brunette strode up to a tall raven-haired boy. His posture was as straight as a ruler. "Looks like there's no one to help you now. Not even your friends like you anymore." The boy's lips curved into a malicious smile. Erza's steps halted when she reached him. "I think it's time for everyone to be in their assigned seats." Erza spoke. The boy turned.

Giving Erza a full view of his name tag. Un Myung.


Moving her eyes up to meet his. "Sit. The teacher will be here soon." Myung scoffed. "They wouldn't care. Why should I listen to you anyway?" He asked, amused. "I could contact your parents. Maybe even get you kicked out. It's pretty easy. I could show them this footage of you beating the shit out of him." Erza pulls out her phone. The look on Myungs face showed that he bought the lie and was worried at this point. He raised his hand, threatening to hit the woman. "You bitch!" Erza only stared and waved her phone around a little. Myung lowered his hand and walked away.

Moving forward to the bleeding student. Crouching and reaching her hand out. "Let's get you cleaned up."

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The alarm blared before a hand slammed it to the ground. Though it did nothing to ease the loud noise. The beeping continued making a lady groan out of annoyance. She sat up from her bed. Standing and unplugging the box. Stretching and then walking out of her room.

She made her way into the kitchen to find her brother stirring some omelet mix in a bowl. "I thought you had work today?" Erza yawned, grabbing a plate. "I do, but I have enough time to eat breakfast with you." Jaehyun smiles, using the spatula to place some eggs on her plate.

The woman quickly stuffed her face. "That's nice."

Her brother sighs as she didn't bother using a utensil to eat. "Manners, Erza." "Whatever." She shrugged sitting at the table. "Do you know if you got the job yet?" Jaehyun asked as he placed the remaining eggs on his plate.

The question made Erza's anxiety spike. "The school administrators haven't contacted me yet. But I think I got it. You know, it takes a while for them to go through everyone's applications." In all honesty, Erza thought her application was skimmed through and had been denied. But she didn't want her brother worrying about her. So she lied. Like always.

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