Chapter 2

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"Infected?"ᨓ ᨓ ᨓ ᨓ ᨓᨓ ᨓ ᨓ ᨓ ᨓᨓ ᨓ ᨓ ᨓ ᨓ

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The blinding light soon fades, as Erza's eyes adjust. In Front of her, stood the residents of the green home apartment, though a few people she wished had perished were there she didn't hide the disinterest on her face.

The store owner, Kim Seok-Hyeon, had always soured Erza's mood. Not only was he rude to his wife and other people around him, but whenever Erza would go into his shop he would bring up the price. He knew she had barely any money but he didn't care.

A selfish Oompa Loompa was what he was. No matter how rude or abusive he was, he was just a little man with a massive ego.

The group stood frozen, their faces pale, eyes wide. Erza gently let go of the shaken girl, and she began shuffling forward. A young man who had similar features to hers walked up and put a jacket around her. The Hottie was no longer in front of Erza, he had been walking ahead but he wasn't that far. She looked around and found him on the ground, Seok-hyeon stood over him with a taser.

Erza rushed toward him and grabbed the taser. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She shouts in the short man's face. She didn't understand why everyone was acting so crazy, nothing made sense. "He was bit! I saved your sorry ass!" His voice squeaked. The young man from before walks up to her. "There's something you need to see." Erza looks at him with a confused look in her eyes.

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She walked to the shutters, blood splattered on it. Looking further out, she could see monsters. One with needles, one with knives for fingers, and one that was on all fours. "We think this is the end. An apocalypse." The man who was now named, Eunhyuk, spoke. Erza looked away. "What are we gonna do?" Eunhyuk shrugged slightly and said. "I don't know, we still have the cameras working. The water source is working too." Erza nods, she knew something bad was bound to happen later on but said nothing.

Erza looked back at the Hottie and watched as two men along with Oompa Loompa carried him away. She quickly followed behind them. "Hey! You can't just take him and tie him up." She glared at the short man. He looked up at her in disgust. "You should be glad I tased him. I saved us all." He bites back at her. "We don't even know how everyone gets infected." She says, looking away from him and to the Hottie who was wrapped in tape. "Exactly, that's why we're tying him up. If he turns we bash his head in." One of the store workers, Byeongil, says with a smile.

Erza just stared in fury. "Okay." He mumbles and looks away awkwardly. "We keep him tied up and we wait." She says and goes to sit next to the hottie, pushing the Oompa Loompa to the side, his toupée shifting to the side. Finally sitting down in a chair next to him. "I'll wait in here." She says with a sigh.

The Oompa Loompa and his two friends left but not without a second weary glance. Erza looks at the hottie and stares at his defined jawline. She picked out her favorite features, which was everything about him. To her, there was nothing wrong or faulty about him.

Everything about him was perfect, is perfect. His scar was one of his most prominent features. Erza glanced at it before her eyes moved to his hair. It was groomed and styled perfectly.

The door opened and in came the Oompa Loompa with a knife and mask. Erza stood annoyed. "What are you doing?!" She asked with a groan. "We waited long enough." He says, his voice muffled and the mask gets fogged up. Erza glanced at the clock mounted on the wall. It had been more than 30 minutes. "He didn't turn. There's no reason to try and kill him." Erza pointed at the hottie.

Oompa Loompa ignores her and walks closer to the knocked-out man, but is stopped by her tight grip that seemed to find its way around his wrist. "Let go of me you, bitch." He growled at the woman. "You're so annoying." He raised his other hand that held the knife but was knocked out when a kick to the knee and a blow to the head was given, by none other than the hottie.

He was glaring at the short man. "Untie me." He says, glancing at Erza. "What's the magic word?" She grinned when he grunted. "Now." She slightly frowned but shrugged and let him loose. "That'll do, I guess." The hottie walks out without another word. Erza decided not to follow, annoyed with how he kept ignoring her. 'Well, he did say to stop following him.' She thought. She looked at the passed-out guy and grimaced. Erza would have laughed but feared her peace would be interrupted by him waking up. So she quietly walked out of the room and through the dark hallway.

She entered the lobby and found the gate blocked off. A woman was crying, another was talking about radiation, and the boy from earlier, Eunhyuk was in the security room. Erza pulled out her phone and unlocked it. She opened messages and found none. She started typing.

ʼWhere are you?ʼ

ʼAre you okay?ʼ

ʼDid you leave the building?ʼ

She sends them but gets an error. The service was gone. She looks over at the others who had their phone out and they started complaining about it. ʼHow did the internet go down?ʼ She puts her phone away and sighs.

She goes to the security room and finds Eunhyuk staring at an Error screen. "The internet is down. The monsters might have cut the cord." She said going over to the emergency radio. "They must have some way of interacting with the outside world." He said as he watched her grab the speaker out. "You know morse code?" She asked reaching her hand out to give him the speaker.

He stands and walks over to her. "There might be a book." He says taking it and placing it down. Looking around, Erza finds a morse code book. "Here." He took it and flipped through the book and began imitating the sounds. "Ah...ah...a-ah." He looked back down at the page. He soon gave up. "This isn't working." He sighed.

Erza patted his shoulder. ʼI hopes this ends soon.ʼ She thought looking over to the others.

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