Chapter 6

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"I heard you've been hanging around that guy, the one with the scar on his face." Jaeheon says handing Erza the defrosted icepack and replacing it with a frozen one on her side. The two were in the grungy bathroom with Erza leaning up against the sink and Jaeheon standing in front of her.

Erza looks up dumbfounded and tilts her head. "Hottie?" She asked, confused, only making her brother's eyes widen. "Erza." He gives her a stern look with a head tilt. Erza raised her hands confused and eyes wide. "What, it's the name I gave him! He won't tell me his actual one, so I made one up." She told him and he shook his head before giving her once again a stern look. Sighing, she rolled her eyes. "Yeah, so what?" She asked, raising a brow.

"I don't want you hanging around him." He states and stares expectantly, waiting for her to nod. "What?! No!" She argues and stands with slight struggle. "Erza! I'm trying to keep you safe!" Her brother raises his voice. "I'm an adult, Jaeheon. I'm not some silly little sister who doesn't know her ass from her elbow." Jaeheon stares at her with a look Erza could not comprehend. "I  know who is good to be around and who is not." Erza turns, cheeks red from how frustrated she was. "You said that back then too." Jaeheons spoke glaring at his sister who turned with an equally frightening look.

"Fuck you." Erza whispers and then leaves the bathroom. Back then, Erza had been naive. Back then, she had no idea of how reality worked. She never wanted to think back to that time, she almost forgot too if it weren't for Jaeheon and his big mouth.

Walking down a hallway and squeezing her eyes shut with a shudder, making her shoulders shake, as events from then flashed through her mind.

"You little runt!" The screeching of a girl who had a handful of brunette hair was heard throughout the school's courtyard.

She shook the girl around before pulling her up to see the girl's face. Erza gasped in pain from her hair getting pulled. "I told you already. Stay away from Gil-Jae! He's mine, you slut!" The girl yells, kicking Erza in the stomach, making her double over in pain. The only thing keeping her from putting her head between her knees was the girl who still had an iron grip on Erza's hair. "That'll teach you to not take things that aren't yours." The girl whispered to Erza and pulled out a knife, flicking it open and bringing it towards her face. Raising her hands from her stomach, Erza quickly–

"Move." Erza was knocked out of her thoughts when Sangwook stood next to her with his hands in his pockets. "Huh? Oh." Erza backs away from the stairway door that was boarded up with various objects that lay around the first floor. Taking a second to look over her sweaty face and watching how her shoulders quickly raised only to drop as fast as they rose. His lips pursed and he opened his mouth only to shut it when he heard footsteps behind him. He looked away and back at the door. Stepping forward and pulling stuff from the pile, Sangwook did not care if he hit the random person behind him, only being careful enough not to hit the trembling woman.

"I'm not sure you should--" The man that had been guarding the door began only to be interrupted. "Let him." Eunhyuk said with a nonchalant face. Erza saw Hyunsu nervously holding his spear that he had fallen down the stairwell with. After clearing the door from the objects, Sangwook turns with a look of disinterest. Erza turns to the pile and realizes that the pile consisted of heavy cabinets. Surprised by the hottie's strength her brows rose and she watched him turn back and struggle with the chains. Once he got them off, he wasted no time in going inside.

Erza takes a step forward to follow him but stops remembering that he wouldn't want her to slow him down, and looks at the shaggy-haired boy. "Hyunsu?" The boy smiles and walks up to her and then was pulled back by the Eunhyuk. "Wait..." He proceeds to whisper into Hyunsu's ear making Erza's brow raised in confusion. Hyunsu's eyes were wide but he nodded and this time, instead of going to Erza, he pushed past her with a glum look.

Her eyes followed him until he entered the stairwell. He'll be fine, and so will Hottie. Nothing can stop them. Their the strongest here. Erza thought and huffs with a shake of her head, but stumbled slightly when she went to move. But what if that thing that took out Hyunsu comes back? What if it pushes Hottie off? Hyunsu was one thing but he would survive since he was a monster so there isn't much to worry about him.

Fist clenched at her sides, she finally gave in and dropped the crutch, and slowly made her way up the dirty green stairs.

No matter how much she annoyed the scarred man, it seems she wore off on him. At least that's what she thought as she saw the man looking down at her with a look of annoyance mixed with concern. Erza grins slightly and made her way up to him and looks to the side and sees the second-floor sign demolished and covered in a slimy substance, only it was not the substance Erza had reaccustomed herself with, it was green. "Hurry up, will you? I have places to be." His deep, scratchy voice filled her ears causing some sort of reaction she recognized as butterflies. The orange-ish red dusted her cheeks causing the scar under her left eye to be more noticeable. "You could just carry me." Erza hums opening her arms up as if she was a baby.

Sangwook scoffs and starts his adventure up the stairs. "I wasn't joking." She says, rolling her almond and blue eyes. She sped walked up the stairs until they made it onto the 5th floor. Sangwook never faltered, taking each step with pride and anger. "Where are we going?" Sangwook didn't answer and froze suddenly scaring Erza. Erza could take on a monster, but only when she has full strength. With her bruises, it would be too hard for her to move. She looked over the man's shoulder and found an empty hall and before she could question him, he was already entering a random room. Room 802. From where she stood she could make out red lighting and for some reason the once calm air became tense.

Subconsciously, her feet began to move. Erza felt a stinging pain and a headache forming behind her eyes when she saw the many pictures she had never expected to see. The one that stood out to her was the picture of kids and a man-- Yoon-Jae. They were huddled together with one on his lap. Lip quivering and stomach doing flips, Erza realized what was happening. Hottie was only here to stop Yoon-Jae, not rob or murder for fun. A tear went down her cheek and a sniffle comes after she lets out a shaky breath. "That fucking bastard." She muttered, raising her hand to wipe the liquid away and turns to see Sangwook clenching both his jaw and fists. He was about to burst and Erza could see it clear as day.

A blasting noise made the two look away from the horrendous scene.

Shit. Erza thought.

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