Chapter 7

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Short chapter ;-;

Rushing down the stairs they find Hyunsu smiling at one of the green home doors. Confused Erza meets his eyes and sees the black eyes she soon began to hate. "There's a monster in there." He laughs manically and points inside. Sangwook furrows his brows, not moving a muscle. "We should go in." Hyunsu slowly moves inside but stops and then moves his head from behind the door to stare at the two. "You're scared? Aren't you?" He mocks the fear that radiates off the two.

Sangwook glares at the boy and grabs Hyunsu and moved him by the railing, turning his back from the door. "Hey... Watch out!" Hyunsu's eyes had gone back to normal when he warns the man. Erza looks over with wide eyes and all of a sudden a hand grabs Sangwook and drags him into the room that was filled with fire. "Hottie!" Erza shouts and without hesitation, she runs inside the room not caring for the fire that hit against her skin.

Hyunsu followed behind her trying to dodge the fire. "Erza watch out!" Without realizing the monster was there, Erza was launched into a pillar and was effectively knocked out.

When she finally opened her eyes she was in an apartment room that smelled of rubbing alcohol and bleach. She groans and turns her head to see Sangwook holding onto her shoulders with furrowed brows. He seemed almost worried. Erza blinks to adjust her eyes more, "Hottie?" She mumbled and sees the scarred man roll his eyes. "Shit, are you okay?" She sits up rather quickly and looks over the man for any wounds.

He had a few scratches and a cut on his face but nothing too bad. "Since you won't let me dress your wounds, I'll do hers. Move." A woman says with a glare pointed toward Sangwook. He grunts when he was pushed to the side so the woman could get a better look at Erza.

"You have a few burns on your arm and I think you may have a concussion." The lady says opening a bottle of rubbing alcohol and pouring it onto a cotton ball. She brought the ball to Erza's arm causing the scarred-faced girl to hiss and pull away.

Sangwook quickly grips the woman's arm with a blank look. "I have to clean it or else it'll get infected." Sangwook made no effort to loosen his grip. "If it gets infected she dies." Huffing he roughly pulls away from her and sits back.

Erza glanced over to Sangwook with a frown. "You should let her clean you up." Sangwook rolls his eyes at her words and stands, walking to the door and walking out. "Asshole." The lady mutters under her breath. Erza chuckles a little at that and grins at the girl. "He might act like an ass but when you get to know him he's different." She informs the irritated girl who stared at her for a second before continuing what she was doing.



Once her wounds were wrapped and cleaned Erza ventured off to find Sangwook who was most likely already near the first floor. Though it took several minutes to convince Yuri to let her go. Erza soon made it to the first floor, it was once again blocked up, which had annoyed the woman. "God this is annoying." She groans and rammed her shoulder into the green metal door with full force.

Hissing as she did so, but didn't stop until the door finally swung open. One of the people from the first floor gasped in shock and shuffle away from her.

Erza lifted her gaze to the person with a small smile but it dropped as she saw her blood-splattered face through a reflective window behind the man. Quickly she limped through the halls looking for Sangwook.

After a while, she heard yelling and decided to see what was going on.

Upon arrival she found Yoon-Jae holding out a bloody hand shouting, "Guys! Look I'm not turning!" Shifting her weight onto her left foot, she gave an annoyed look to the man.

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