Chapter 9

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Check out the new trailer I made !!

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The hallway was quiet after the arguement between Tanoko and Eunhyuk, leaving room for the tapping of Erza's white tennis shoes. She had made some modifications to her outfit, taking Jaeheons jacket too.

Her once green tank top was now replaced with a black long sleeved shirt and her bottoms with baggy blue jeans.

Her advances to the shop were stopped when she heard a roar come from the room to her left, making her turn to it. The two children that had been brought back with Hyunsu were sat in the daycare, playing with a green T-rex. A smile found its way onto her chapped lips, her heterochromic eyes settled on the little boy who wore a bright smile. A sudden breeze was felt behind her as the daycare director rushed passed, taking the toy from the two siblings.

"Stop playing with these toys." She ordered, the kids now staring up at her. Erza walked in and lightly brushed her hand on the womans arm, making her turn to the the brunette. "Hey, their just kids." She whispered to the director who merely gave the woman a blank look.

"Read a book." The director continued, ignoring Erza.

Erza bit the inside of her cheek, unsure of what to say.

The older sister opened the book and looked up at the woman.

"Well..Yeong-su can't read yet." The Daycare director was taken aback and turned to Erza who uncrossed her arms and hesitantly sat infront of the two kids. "Here, I can teach you. If you'd like, of course." Su-yeong looked over at her brother who nodded, and she handed the book to Erza. "Okay, scoot in. Repeat after me." The two did so, and Yeong-su repeats her words as his eyes followed her pointer finger. "I'm...not.."

Erza stared up at the board, looking for her name, Yeong-su stood beside her looking for his own name. "Why is my name not up there..?" Yeong-su asked, confused. Erza found Sangwook's name by hers making her suppress a smile and look down at the boy. "Hey." Mr. An says, his voice deeper than usual. "Mine isn't on it either." He adds. Both Erza and Yeong-su look at him, confused by what he was getting at.

"You and I should be buddies."

Erza smiled and looked down at the boy who's face scrunched up. "And why should I be your buddy?" He sassed, and tightened his grip on Erza's hand. Erza let out a snort and glanced at the shocked man who quickly composed himself. "Well, because.." He glanced to the tall brunette and then back to the boy, leaning down to his height. "We're secret agents." He whispered loudly, leaning back up and putting his glasses on. Yeong-su only looked at him skeptical, thinking he was crazy but nodded.


ONE- Move in groups of two or more.

Erza sat next to Sangwook, his face in the usual scowl. His brown eyes flickered to her before going back to the pack of cigarettes that laid on the counter. She bit her lip and stared at him, not caring if he caught her or not.

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