things that piss me off for no reason

51 2 23

tbh this is literally just me complaining and being a raging bitch because i can be sorry-

these are mainly about like, aphmau fandom things/wattpad things

also tw for the end of the chapter

- when it isn't an oc x character but for some reason their oc is more involved than the main character. like don't get me wrong, i've definitely been guilty of this before but it annoys me when they make their oc like, the center of attention/a mary sue

- the whole i'm not like other girls trope. or like internalized misogyny. like yes i do wear makeup and skimpy dresses??? what is the reason for that. "oh! i don't wear makeup, i prefer a more... natural look" girl if you don't know how to do makeup just tell me i will help u. like the not like other girls trope isn't bad it's just when it's putting down girls for liking things like makeup or dressing up.

- when oc's (and real people) do the whole "baby please just look at me please it's not worth it" when the love interest is about to beartsomeone's ass. like girl... what is u doing. this especially goes towards oc's who's crush is gene but get mad when he's a bitch. like that's literally the whole point of his character??? to be rude??? obv this is different in mystreet but i hope this sorta makes sense?? like obviously i get trying to make someone a better person but i don't mean it like that, when people try and stop the character from being, well, the character.

- why is there so much hate towards happy oc's?? like i like them. they're sweet.

- literally just tessa from after we collided fighting molly (or was it steph?? i don't even know) like that was so cringy. tessa's whole thing was girl next door with a thing for the bad boy why was she acting like that. so out of character.

- mcd zenix apologists. like don't get me wrong i'd probably be friends with him but didn't he like ?? kill a whole bunch of people ?? and use garroth??

- mcd zane apologists. like remember literally every single thing he's ever did???

- really unrealistic things or oc's that are werewolves in pdh/mystreet. this is just a personal pet peeve. it's just strange to me.

- OH AND ALSO when people throw random shit into a rp that's just sorta unrealistic?? like they're literally on a picnic what do you mean your ex showed up asking u to go to winter formal with him?? or like why did you suddenly pass out??? huh???


- why is giving your oc a mental disorder/ed such a common thing amongst aphmau oc's?? like, this is kinda subjective because i'm more so talking about the people that obviously aren't very educated/familiar with the disorder. it just makes me so uncomfortable. it's not a quirky personality trait to give to your oc??? overall not a vibe. + i hope this one makes sense?

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