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Hey, guys! I am SOOOO freakin sorry I haven't updated lately. I've been crazy busy but I am going to try and get writing again. With that in mind, here's a little peek of the next chapter.


“Lennox, sweetheart...you need to stop getting out of bed,” Liam tried not to grin as he spoke, pausing the movie playing on the large tv before scooping up the little girl and settling her in his lap. “It’s bed time.” She was silent as she buried her face into Liam’s chest, sucking on her thumb as her eyelids drooped.

He glanced at me with a raised eyebrow, but all I offered was a small shrug, smiling as I watched him lightly rub her back, eventually sending her off into a peaceful rest.

“We’re gonna have to work on this,” he said quietly as he finally looked up at me, a happy grin settled on his lips. “S’not healthy for her, yeah? And I’d rather like being able to have the bed to ourselves, babes. I mean, I love this little one to pieces, but it’s rather hard to cuddle with a toddler and your belly between us.” I giggled as a blush heated my face, my hand automatically resting on my swollen stomach.

I was already a good 5 months into the pregnancy and I was doing surprisingly well. The whole 9 months I carried Lennox was pure hell. I felt horrible, I was constantly sick, and Richard’s beatings helped nothing whatsoever. This time around however, I was rather enjoying the whole process. Liam was a sweetheart, constantly making early morning runs to the grocery store when I was craving things, and looking after Lennox a majority of the time. To be honest, I was over the moon...things were finally starting to have a sense of normalcy to them. What a load bull that was though. When was I ever allowed to be happy, I was stupid to think I ever could be. Oh, how wrong things can go in the blink of an eye, the pull of a trigger, the loud bang of a gun...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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