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“DADDYYYYYYY!” Lennox screamed shrilly making me groan in my sleep, Liam sighing and throwing the blankets off of his almost bare body before leaving the room. There was some low murmuring that barely reached my room before I heard the bath running, confusing me.

I slid out of bed and walked over to the cracked door in the hallway, light peeking out from the small sliver. I hesitantly tapped it open, frowning as I saw Liam cradling my daughter to his chest, rubbing her bare back and swaying slightly.

“Liam?” I questioned quietly, his eyes quickly snapping up to me, caramel irises filled with sympathy.

“She had another attack,” he informed, voice grim. “The poor thing was a right mess…she thought Richard was in her room.” A small whimper came from the child at the name, Liam quickly hushing her and rubbing her back once again.

“Why is she only in her nappy?” I frowned, thoroughly confused about the entire situation.

“She’s a bit warm…night terrors can bring on an awful fever,” he mumbled as he knelt down, testing the water with his free hand. “Ready for your bath, angel?” She nodded sluggishly as he tugged off her diaper and slid her into the water, holding her with one hand and using the other to splash the cool water against her flushed skin. She visibly relaxed, her eyes drooping as he ran a damp rag over her body, her lips forming a small yawn.

“Tired, daddy,” she mumbled, my heart still skipping a beat as she called him that. He smiled slightly and grabbed a large pink towel he had beside him before he wrapped her up tightly and carried her back to her room. I followed after him, rubbing my aching stomach as I did so, cursing the discomfort that was returning that I had felt through my pregnancy with Lennox.

At only 12 weeks, I was already beginning to show, a little bump protruding from between my hips, already beginning to look more of a pregnant belly than a simple weight gain. To be honest, it had worried me in the beginning, showing so early that is, but a rather awkward conversation with Louis put my fears to rest.

“Mummy, fish,” a croak came from my daughter, drawing me from my thoughts. I smiled a bit and leaned forward, giving her a kiss before straightening back again, wincing at the pain in my back.

“I think I’m gonna rock her to sleep, babe,” Liam informed quietly. “I don’t want her becoming frightened again. Why don’t you go on back to bed?” I nodded, shuffling out of the room and heading towards my own when I paused, silently making my way back and peeking through the cracked door.

Liam was sitting in the rocking chair, my daughter cradled to his chest with her head lolled against his shoulder. Her eyes were half shut and cheeks flushed as she spoke around her thumb, my ears straining to pick up her poorly pronounced speech.

“Richy here?” she whimpered, the boxer sighing and shaking his head, pressing his lips to her brow.

“No, angel. Richy is gone,” he murmured. “Daddy won’t let anyone hurt you. Just close your eyes and go to sleep.”

“Song?” The man laughed and nodded, cuddling her closer and tilting his head against hers as he sang. His voice was smooth and almost honey like, his words so soft yet steady all the same, coaxing my daughter to sleep in his arms. He smiled slightly and kissed her forehead, standing up and carrying her to her crib.

“Daddy…” she whined as he set her down, but he simply hushed her and covered up her tiny body with the pink blanket at her feet. She peeked up at him but slowly closed her eyes, drifting off yet again as he rubbed her back. As soon as he was sure that she was asleep, he smiled and sighed, striding towards the doorway before I could leave. He grinned at seeing me, extending his arms to me and dragging my body to his chest.

“You feeling alright?” he asked softly, his fingers trailing soothingly up and down my spine. “Is the babe hurting you again?” I shrugged, rather used to the almost constant pain in my back and stomach. Louis had said it was just because my body was struggling to accompany another person in my ‘emaciated state,’ and that there was really nothing he could do but prescribe some pain killers and rest.

“It’s nearly three…you need rest, darling,” he sighed, pulling back and tipping up my chin affectionately. “Wanna cuddle?”

“That sounds nice,” I started when a panicked shriek echoed through the house, Liam’s face slipping into a hardened mask, the scene rather frightening.

“Jaelynn,” he muttered, quickly whipping around to face me. “I want you to stay here, alright? You stay here no matter what you hear.” I opened my mouth to protest, but he was already gone, my curiosity getting the best of me as I crept down the stairs and towards the living room, peeking around the corner stealthily. Louis was standing there rubbing his wife’s back as she shook, his free hand wielding a rather expensive looking gun. Opposite of him was Liam, my eyes widening as I saw his rigid posture, cold eyes, and emotionless composure. He was staring down at a man who was crumpled at his feet, obviously bruised and beaten as the intruder curled in on himself.

“I should kill you here and now, you filthy bastard,” Liam sneered, shaking his head as he slowly circled the trembling form. “You attempted to harm Louis’ bird, and ya’ betrayed my trust. But, I also happen to know that you owe Sykes and if I was to kill you, your little girl would be good as dead. So let me make this easy for ya’, mate. You get the hell out of my boundaries and if I see you step foot on my side, I’ll put a bullet between your eyes. Understand?”

“B-But, My. Payne,” the man wheezed. “My family lives here. My daughter has friends and my wife loves where we’re living.”

“You should have thought about that before you double crossed me.”

“They threatened my family?!”

“You should have come to me and I would have sorted it out…but you didn’t and I want your sorry ass off my land,” Liam spat, dragging him to his feet and shoving him towards the door.

“But what is Sykes find us?!” the man begged, the boxer letting out a small grunt.

“If you want your daughter placed under the protection of my people, then I will allow it,” he said evenly. “There are plenty of good homes she could go to where she could be safe. You know how to contact me if you come to that conclusion…now leave.” The man nodded, hanging his head as he scrambled out the front door, the slam making my whimper slightly. Everyone’s heads snapped to the side, their eyes settling on my trembling frame that now was in plain sight.

“Brinlee,” Liam began gently but I was already backing away, eyes misty with tears as I whipped around and sprinted for the stairs, in my haste, my foot catching on the edge of the rug sending me flying towards the staircase. I collided with the wooden pieces with a screech, pain erupting in my lower abdomen making my body tremble with fear.

“Brinlee?! Baby, talk to me!” the man begged from where he was crouched beside my crumbled framed, my eyes meeting his own.

“Th-The baby, Liam…”

“What about the-LOUIS!!!! HELP! THERE’S BLOOD!!”

Contingency (Sequel to Contentions)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant