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Thank you all for the wonderful comments <3 This chapter I'm introducing a new character(Louis' wife) who is one of my beautiful followers. Hope you all enjoy and keep voting and commenting.


“Mummy…” a small voice whispered, a tiny finger poking my cheek.

“Lennox, let her sleep,” what sounded to be Liam’s voice began gently. “Mummy is very tired right now and needs rest, alright?”

“Hungwy,” she groaned dramatically, the surface my head was resting on vibrating slightly with a chuckle.

“Go tell Louis, darling,” he instructed. “He’ll give you some milk.”

“Is icky,” she mumbled, her obvious distaste shining through her words.

“I know it is,” the young man sighed, his thumb rubbing slow circles on the skin of my arm. “Maybe he’ll give you some apples, baby. But you have to go ask…nicely. Use your manners.” I could hear faint footsteps and mumbles, my daughter’s voice being heard along with Louis’.

“Apples pwease,” she squeaked, a small coo being heard from a foreign voice. My eyes quickly shot open and I stiffened, panicking as I took in the unfamiliar surroundings.

“Hey, hey, you’re okay. We’re at Louis’ place,” Liam said quickly, petting down my hair. I cautiously took in the room, noticing the slightly familiar setting that I had seen years ago. My sights quickly set on my daughter though, her chin resting on Louis’ knee as she peered up at him with the puppy dog eyes she used to love to use on Zayn whenever she wanted a cuddle. What caught my attention though was the blonde sitting next to Louis’, her face lit up with some sort of affection as she stared down at my daughter.

“Lennox…c’mere” I croaked, sitting up straight as I beckoned my daughter over, wary of the new stranger.

“Oh, uh, I’m Jaelynn, Louis’ wife,” the young woman quickly smiled, waving slightly. “Didn’t mean to scare ya, babe.”

“I’m Brinlee,” I hesitated, letting myself relax slightly but not letting my guard down in the slightest.

“Oh, trust me, I know,” she giggled, leaning against Louis’ shoulder slightly. “That idiot whose lap you’re sitting on never shut up about you.” My cheeks grew red at that and I made a point to slide out of Liam’s lap, biting my lip as I tried to suppress my embarrassment. I was just about to mumble something when a shrill scream sounded through the house, my face paling as my gaze snapped to Lennox who was clumsily stopping her foot in what seemed to be anger.

“APPLES!!!” she wailed, the shrill sound making me cringe as I got up.

“Lennox,” I hissed quickly, scooping her up and settling her wriggling body on my hip. “That’s enough.”

“HE NO GIVE APPLES!” she spat, pointing angrily at Louis’.

“That’s no reason to scream,” I chided, letting a small sigh escape my lips. “You use your words, and if Louis, Niall, or Liam tell you something, you better listen to them, understood?”

“But Lennox want apple…” she whimpered, eyes watering as she rested her head on my shoulder.

“You can have an apple when Louis’ says it’s alright, baby, yeah?” I said quietly, petting her hair and looking up to my friend and his wife, almost pleadingly.

“She only needs formula for another day or so. Then she can have all the apples she wants,” Louis said softy, offering a small smile. “And I don’t mean to try and parent your child or anything, but I would say the little one needs a nap and some time to cool off. She hardly slept on the plane and has been a bit edgy for a while now. Some rest may do her good…”

“Thanks,” I smiled tiredly despite the sleep I just had. “Is there anywhere I can lay her down?”

“I’ll show ya, darling,” Liam said quickly, standing up and gesturing for me to follow. I offered the couple a shy, parting smile before trailing after him, my daughter in my arms.


Louis’ POV

“They’re cute,” Jaelynn smiled widely, staring after their retreating forms with a sparkle of mischievousness in her eye.

“I know that look,” I said cautiously, looking down at her form that I had subconsciously tucked into my side. “Leave them alone right now, darling. They’ll get together on their own terms.”

“But it’ll take forever. Why can’t I just-“

“No.” I cut her off once more, shooting a small warning glance her way, watching as her smile slid off her lips and was replaced by a frown, her head drooping as she stared at her lap. I immediately felt guilt swarming within me, a small groan escaping my throat as I wrapped my arms around her, tugging her tight to my chest.

“I didn’t mean to snap,” I apologized quietly, playing with the ring on her finger. “I’m just a bit worried about Brinlee right now. She’s…She’s fragile, baby, alright? She needs to take this relationship at her own pace. It’ll happen for sure, but there’s a lot of trust Liam has to gain in order for her to even consider being with him.”

“What happened to her?” she questioned quietly, brow furrowed. “You never did explain to me who she was or anything…”

“She…” I trailed off, thinking about how to phrase her situation. “She was someone very important to Liam. She had a rough past and he helped her…but he handed her over to a bad man so he could save Macie.”

“When you say ‘bad man’,” she whispered, her eyes imploring as she pulled away slightly looking at me. “Is that the same man who took Sarah?” I nodded grimly and watched as her face paled slightly, her lip being drawn between her teeth.

“The poor girl,” she whispered, her fingers playing with a strand on the hem of my shirt. I could almost see the questions in her eyes, fear obviously present.

“What are you thinking, baby?” I murmured, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

“Is…Is this gang related?” she hesitated. “I-I know you and the boys have gotten in pretty deep since Liam took over-“

“I won’t let anything happen to you,” I cut her off, words firm as I cupped the back of her neck. “Never, alright? But you have to promise me that you won’t mention anything about the gang to Brin, yeah? When she left, Liam was only a puppet. I-I don’t know how she would take knowing that he’s heading it now.”

“I promise,” she smiled, sliding off my lap. “I think I’m gonna go to bed…it’s late.” I stood, forcing a strained grin on my lips as I slipped my arms around her, offering a reassuring hug to the girl I had made mine only months ago.

“I’ll be up in a few minutes, babe. I’m gonna go check on Liam and Brin,” I said softly, patting her bum in a parting gesture as she walked away, a small chorus of laughter leaving her lips. The second she was gone, I fell back to the couch and dropped my head in my hands, knotting my fingers in my hair. I could here quiet footsteps stumbling down the staircase, small hands resting on my knee.

“Lou have boo boo?” the familiar, tiny voice came from beside me, my face turning to look down at Lennox.

“No…No, sweet’art. I’m fine,” I said quietly, scooping her up and cuddling her into my lap. “How did you get down here? I thought they were laying you down for a nap?”

“Momma cry,” she mumbled, adjusting herself so she was more comfortable before resting her head on my chest. I smiled slightly and played with her hair, wondering just why Brinlee was crying, but deciding to leave it be.

“Wanna cuddle?” I asked lightly, her head tilting up so her chin was resting on my torso.

“Cuddle?” she repeated, a questioning look in her eyes. I nodded and kicked off my shoes, grabbing a blanket off the end of the couch and lying down, adjusting Lennox’s small body on my chest before covering her.

“See? Cuddle,” I whispered, her body wriggling a bit before she settled, her thumb coming up to her mouth as she sucked on it lightly. I could feel my eyes drooping as I hummed quietly to her, her breathing leveling out as she fell asleep, me not far behind…

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