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Sorry it took so long :) This chapter refers to a scene in Contentions if you want to check it out :)

“Lennox, time to get up, hun,” I groaned as I peeked my eyes open, patting the weight pressed to my chest, panic jolting through me as I realized it was a pillow. “Lennox. LENNOX!” I flung the covers off of me, tears threatening to spill as I scrambled down the stairs, every possible scenario running through my mind. Had Richard come back? Did he take my baby? What if he had hurt her again? What if-

“Brinlee, babe,” a voice cut into my thoughts, halting my inner ramblings. “What’s wrong?” I slowly turned to face the kitchen table, my hand flying up to my chest as I let out a sigh of relief. Lennox was sitting in a high chair, a bowl of what looked to be smashed bananas in front of her and a spoon in Liam’s hand.

“MUMMY!” she squealed, clapping her hands as banana spilled onto her chin.

“Little piggy,” Liam teased as he methodically scraped up the mess with the edge of the spoon, adding a bit more to it before holding it up to her lips. She happily took it into her mouth giggling and swallowing before opening again for more.

“I thought Louis wanted her on formula,” I said skeptically, a small smile slipping onto Liam’s lips.

“He had me mix in a bit of a supplement powder,” he informed. “It messes with the taste a bit, but I think she’s happy to have anything other than that nasty stuff.” I huffed and went to takeher out of the high chair simply in spit, but she kicked her legs and pushed at my hands, tears welling in her eyes.

“NO, MOMMY!” she wailed. “I WANT DADDY!” I froze, my face paling as she made grabby hands at Liam, signaling she wanted him to come closer.

“He is not your father,” I hissed, for some reason anger taking over me. “You do not have a father and you never will. Where did you even learn that word?!.”

“Brinlee, darling-“

“You have a sperm donor-“



“Brinlee, take a walk,” Liam interrupted, his large hand wrapping around my arm and tugging me away from MY daughter. “You’re angry right now. You’re angry and it’s understandable but she’s only a child and she doesn’t understand. So you’re gonnna walk, calm down, breathe, and you can come back only when you’ve collected yourself.” My jaw went slack as I glared at him, storming off and striding outside, the door slamming behind me.

Liam’s POV


Lennox let out heartbreaking wails the second that door closed, her chubby legs kicking viciously, little hands knocking the bananas onto the floor and ripping off her bib.

“MUMMY!” she screamed, the sound making heart ache. “LENNOX, SOWWY! MUMMY! I WANT MUMMY!”

“Oh, darling,” I said quietly, knowing that she felt guilty for something she didn’t even cause.”C’mere, yeah? Come…Come to daddy.” She whimpered at those words, holding her arms out to me and letting me take her out of her high chair. I rested her on my hip, my thumb dashing out to wipe away a few tears that stuck to her cheeks.

“You didn’t do anything wrong, baby, okay? Mummy is just sad right now. She’s really sad,” I said quietly, bouncing her a bit as I went to the living room. “So when she gets home, I want you to give her a big giant hug and a fishy.”

Contingency (Sequel to Contentions)Where stories live. Discover now