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Sorry this is crap guys, but it's an update. Love you all and sorry for the wait <3


“Y-You have to promise not to tell Liam,” I begged pitifully. “P-Please, Lou?”

“Hunny, even if I didn’t tell him, when your 6 months pregnant and have a watermelon sized bulge under your shirt…he’s gonna know,” Louis said softly, combing his fingers soothingly through my hair before glancing down at where my head rested on his shoulder. “You’re gonna want him by your side through all of this.” I shrugged, knowing he made a valid point. I knew that Liam would stick with me through everything no matter how screwed up I was and the thought was comforting…comforting enough to agree with Louis.

“I’m gonna go explain things to him then send him in, alright? I want you to go ahead and take the test on the counter and just relax; you’re gonna be fine,” the young man said gently, rubbing my arm in a reassuring manner before standing up and shooting me a smile. With that, he left the room, the door clicking shut behind him.

I sucked in an unsteady breath, legs shaky as I stood and stumbled to the counter, my hands fumbling with the box. My nose wrinkled as I read the instructions, but nonetheless I carried them out, setting the white stick on the counter as soon as I was done. My mind drifted to all of the possibilities. What if I was pregnant? What if Liam kicked me out because of it? What if-

“Knock knock,” Liam grinned quietly as he slipped inside, cutting my rampant thoughts short. “How’re ya doing, darling? Alright now?” I stared at him blankly, my eyes slowing building up with moisture. As soon as one of the warm tears slipped down my cheek, he was beside me, folding his arms around me and tugging me to his chest.

“I’m not alright, Li. I-I’m not,” I sobbed into his shoulder, clutching him tighter as I struggled to reign in my emotions. My body was shaking with the power of my cries, the young man holding me pressing reassuring kisses to the top of my head as he swayed slowly, the motion surprisingly calming.

“Everything is going to be okay,” he soothed, his lips brushing my ear as he spoke. “You’ve got me, you’ve got the rest of the lads, and you’ve got your daughter. No matter what, you’re not alone, okay?” I sniffled a bit and nodded, hiccupping into his tshirt as he led me to sit down on the edge of the bath tub.

“I’m gonna look at the test now, yeah?” he informed quietly, striding over to the counter and reaching for the small white stick that had my stomach in knots. His shoulders blocked my view as he stared down at it, body frozen before he slowly turned around and held it up.

“You’re pregnant, babe,” he admitted softly, his face cloaked in a mask of sadness as my lip quivered. He quickly set down the test and shuffled over, kneeling in front of me and resting his hands on my knees.

“Don’t be upset,” he murmured, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “You’re gonna be a mum again. That’s exciting, Brin.”

“Liam, I have never once voluntarily had sex,” I muttered quietly as if that was explanation enough. He sucked in an audibly shaky breath and nodded, his eyes filled with hurt.

“Oh, Brin,” he murmured quietly, swiping at the tears on my cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. “I’m so sorry…” I shook my head, rubbing my eyes and staring down at my lap.

“I don’t even know who the father is. Th-There were to-too many and it’s not fair!” I choked, letting out another loud sob.

“I know it isn’t, baby. I know,” he croaked, cupping my cheeks and leaning his forehead against his own. I don’t know how long we stayed there, just leaning against each other when Louis slipped in, a sad smile on his lips.

Contingency (Sequel to Contentions)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt