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the sun was slowing disappearing, making rosy streaks go over the sky, it was beautiful, probably not as beautiful as beating up the dream team, but you had a nervous feeling, Dream had let you go? what was that about? you didn't have time to figure anything out, you had to make your way over to the dream teams land with Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy, and Wilbur, Wilbur was very close to you, trying to keep you safe from anything, despite you being the professional one here.

Dreams POV: I'm sitting out on the balcony that has a perfect view of the sunset, George and sapnap were healing still, they lost a lot of blood, usually I would attack, not hesitate, but something about that girl was different... her actions were just to survive, something in my head wishes she was here with me right now, watching the sunset, laughing with me. I whip my head around, there are quiet footsteps beneath me, I peer down to see the members of L'manberg, along with the girl, I hear Tommy whisper her name to her, Y/N, such a beautiful name, but the realization kicks in and I remember I have to attack them, I don't think I will be able to attack y/n though, something about me wants to protect her, I shake my head, I silently walk downstairs to confront them. I whisper into my mouthpiece for more guards to come, because George and Sapnap are injured, well, George healed better but is sleeping, I hear the guards attacking the group beneath me, I make my way downstairs, expecting the group of L'manberg to be unconscious on the floor, but the only people severely injured are Wilbur, Tubbo, and Fundy, but Y/N and Tommy remain fighting, Tommy with a few cuts while Y/N has almost none, just small ones from other things, "hello there" I say grinning, before taking out my sword and cutting Tommy, "STOP" y/n cries out, standing in front of her wounded teammates her diamond axe bloody from killing so many guards, she is very beautiful, even though she has a split lip and a few minor cuts on her face, "what do I get out of this?" I ask, "um, I won't kill you?" y/n asks, "how about I take one of you as a... guest! for however long I want" I suggest, I plan to take y/n and try and become a friend... maybe more than that, and force her to train members of our side a bit.

Your POV: "bitch that sounds like a kidnapping" I hiss, Dream is visibly hurt by those words, but quickly recovers, he takes out his netherite axe, it glows menacingly, but I Remain expressionless, "try and hurt me, I dare you" I say with a smirk, knowing he wouldn't be able to, "I won't hurt you, but I can hurt them" the masked man says pointing his axe in my fallen teammates direction, I usually would leave them and make a run for it, being kidnapped didn't sound exactly fun, but my gut told me to take the offer, no, you shouldn't, kill that motherfucker. but I have been wandering around for months, these people trust me and welcomed me to their nation, I suppose I should stay, gives me a purpose in life. "fine, I'll come with you, but let me keep my weapons or I'll beat the living daylights out of you, and your wounded friends" I spit, "ok, fair enough," Dream admits, he gestures at the blindfold he's holding, I nod, "this might hurt a bit, sorry" dream says before I get feel a hard object hit the back of my head, I black out.

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