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I hit 3k reads, and then I was gone for so long you managed to get me to 4k... and then 5k, thank you readers my beloved. I've been considering discontinuing this book, I've lost motivation to write as you can probably tell since I left for more than a month, this is a small update just to remind my readers I'm not dead, sorry about this all.

Nobodys POV: Y/n was filled with anxiety about the war, she didn't know what was going to happen at this point, nobody predicted anything. Everyone was preparing in separate places alone, which was quite dangerous considering there was a war going on but oh well. Wilbur sat, quill in hand, trying to devise a plan, nothing came to mind which frustrated him to the point where he had to stand up and take a break at one point. Y/n knew she probably had enough stuff but it never hurt to get more supplies, and in case her friends needed anything.

Tommy's POV: I've been preparing for a bit now, as I was supposed to, I had my earpiece on as usual just in case something bad was to happen and the L'manbergians needed to contact eachother, but in 10 minutes dream and everyone else would come and try to fight us, or so we were told, I just hope they weren't messing with us. I took off my armor as I stepped into L'manberg, knowing that Wilbur would tell me to take it off anyways, Gazing up at the stone walls built sloppily built by dream. I realized the unfamiliar static of silence was in the air, for the past few weeks since the war started it always felt so hectic. I didn't know what was going to happen but I knew we needed to stand our ground, I believe dream wants to siege it, he wants to take it from us, because he believes independence is wrong

I climbed onto the roof of the caravan, it was just a hole, the htodog was gone too, I leaped down and reread the words on the sign Dream had placed, I didn't need the signs to know what they said, the words were ingrained into my mind, "if you do not surrender by tomorrow we will attack. put up white flags to signify your surrender  -Dream George Sapnap Punz" that was three days ago. I'm not much of a do-er myself, I tell them what to do but I told tubbo to prepare, I did too if worse came to worse, I clicked my earpiece to call him, "Tubbo-" I started, but I to my dismay, I was cut off by a panicky Tubbo shouting, uh-oh. "Tommy, It's going down, it's going down" I interrupted quickly "pardon? pardon?" He continued yelling, the dream team probably got to him... "head to your power tower, they trapped the portal" he was shouting still through the earpiece, "have you got the preparations?!" I asked, cutting him off to stop his shouting, which probably would not help anything "yes! yeah yeah, we got the preparations it's in my ender chest, I had to sacrifice the discs but it was worth it," my heart dropped "not my discs right? they are my prized possessions" I asked, Tubbo quickly clarified "no- my discs" "okay good, I would not do anything for those discs" I breathed out. Tubbo told me he had end crystals on him to trap the power tower which was good, end crystals were dangerous but effective, like Tnt, too much of it could destroy all our efforts but it was worth the risk.

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