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(Spicy love triangle coming soon to fanfictions near you)

Wilburs POV: as Dream walked away I was pissed, it must be how dream felt when I kissed y/n, I watched as y/n crumbled to the ground in tears, I can't imagine how difficult the position she is in must be, "it's fine, it's fine, I'm not mad, lets go back into L'manberg" I said trying to calm her down as she was visibly panicked, her breathing was rapid and she was crouching on the ground  with her head resting on her knees, I had never seen this side of her, so far she has only shown strength, but she also has only been here for a few weeks. I offered her my hand, she took it and slowly got up, she shakily walked towards L'manberg, a few steps behind me, as soon as she got to the caravan she collapsed on her bed, I shut the door and walked over to tubbo, Tommy, fundy, jack manifold, Eret, and Nihachu, "what happened to her?! what did that green bastard do to her?" Tommy asked angrily, urging me for more details, "he kissed her, and she probably just doesn't want to cause problems with Dream and me" I explained to my greatest ability, Tommy stood there, hands clenched into fists, Tubbo kept looking over to Tommy, making sure he was ok. 

The rest of the day was tiring, despite the fact almost nothing happened, all happiness was drained out of the place, as night came, everyone went to their houses and said goodnight to eachother, Tommy insisted on staying up, which I debated about how he shouldn't for a solid ten minutes until Tubbo agreed to stay and sit with him, so he wasn't alone.

Your POV: I woke up, my head felt rocky and my face was tear stained, I looked out of the caravan window, it was still dark, I scribbled a note down that said "I'm safe, just left temporarily to clear my head" and slipped out silently, my eyes widened as I saw Tommy and Tubbo standing by the L'manberg walls, guarding most likely, I huffed, I didn't think it would be this much of a challenge to leave, I sat and waited until Tommy and Tubbo had moved to the opposite side of the L'manberg wall, The caravan blocking their view of me, I ran out and quickly scaled a tree. I wanted to go and find out what was going through Dream's head when he kissed me, I nodded silently to myself and walked to the community house, a blonde female guard stopped me, a black mask covering the bottom of her face, I had seen her before but didn't know her name, "y/n? what are you doing here- oh sorry forgot to introduce myself, I'm Alyssa, Dream said we were both handy with knives and female soldiers so we might get along" she said, saying the last bit with a chuckle, "oh, nice to meet you I guess, I wanted to know what the FUCK dream was thinking when he kissed me" I said, "shhh you're going to wake everyone if you don't lower your voice" she said, she waved me over to a large patch of trees, many branches that were grown in comfortable positions for sitting in, we both settled in, it was naturally arranged so that nobody around us could see us but we had a view of everything, we sat in comfortable silence, "Dream did come home looking a little off last night" Alyssa said finally, her voice trailing off at the end. "in a good way?" I asked, "not really, well, he looked satisfied but also sad, like he finally got what he wanted but not in the way he wanted" she answered, not turning to look at me, keeping her eyes on the sunrise.

I found opening up to Alyssa easy, but was relatively weary around anyone with my emotions, I didn't want information to be used Against me, I walked back to L'manberg, not running into anyone on the way there besides a young boy wearing a purple sweatshirt who just stared at me quizzically. At L'manberg Eret was the first one to embrace me, "you're back! I was worried but you should have seen Wilbur, he was going mental, we had to remind him that you weren't taken hostage and just went for a walk" he said with a laugh, "aw thats nice, thanks." I smiled, "where did you go?" he asked, I probably shouldn't say I was with Alyssa, Eret is probably just trying to make conversation, "oh just a walk through the woods" I said with a light laugh, "well c'mon, Wilbur will be excited to see you, I think Tubbo wanted to walk through the gardens with you and Tommy" he says, Eret puts a protective arm around my waist, I feel my face heat up a bit but Eret takes no notice of it, when Wilbur sees me his face brightens quickly, he frowns as he sees Eret touching me, I had to remember Wilbur liked me, I am not good at talking to people about feelings, so I'll wait until Wilbur makes the first move, if Dream can't beat him... "y/n!" Wilbur yells cheerfully, he hugs me and makes a point to push Eret's arm away as we're hugging, Eret scoffs, he is one of the few people who acknowledges how overprotective Wilbur is.

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