Chapter 35 "This is the art of hacking my friend!"

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"This! Is an iPhone!" Hudson teased as he held up his jail broken Phone. Alex was not amused, she glared at him resisting the urge to throat punch him. Hudson pulled out his MacBook Pro from his satchel and plopped it on the table. "And this is the art of hacking my friend!" Hudson was so enthusiastic about teaching Alex how to hack. Alex inwardly groaned, she did not want to learn how to do this. It was too complicated in her opinion. Hudson casually speed typed in a few commands in his terminal and twirled the Mac around to face Alex. Alex blinked as random letters, symbols and numbers that blurred her vision. "I don't understand..." Hudson sighed and slapped his hand to his forehead. "Ok let's go for something a little easier." He reluctantly handed her his iPhone. Alex took it cautiously. "Is it unlocked?" She asked not wanting to repeat what happened last time with Hudson's phone. He nodded. "Now I want you to open this app here." He said pointing to the screen. "And what this does is check if Kai's computer or phone is currently online." Hudson smiled excitedly. Alex rolled her eyes. "Yes!" Hudson yelped. "He's online!" Enthusiastically Hudson grabbed the phone from Alex's grasp. "Now because this is important and if you screw it up I would have to kill you. Watch carefully at what I'm doing so you understand the concept." Alex raised an eyebrow. "You kill me? Really now?" "Shut up it was a metaphor." He replied. Alex rolled her eyes again. "Now we can SSH into his computer so we can look through his files and maybe find James's cell combination or other juicy information." Alex frowned, puzzled. "What's SSH mean?" "It stands for Secure Shell." Hudson replied intelligently. Alex still didn't know what that had to do with anything. Hudson bit his bottom lip in anticipation as all of Kai's secure files started popping up on the screen. Hudson worked quickly and efficiently and Alex was trying to keep up. "Come on you can do it girl!" Hudson said to his phone as he tried to download the files. "Fifty percent, sixty, seventy five, eighty nine, ninety!" Hudson's leg bounced off the floor madly. Alex craned her neck so she could see his phone screen. Large bold letters appeared reading. "DOWNLOAD FAIL. CONNECTION LOST." "Aghhh!!" Hudson slammed his fist on the table making his Mac bounce and threw his iPhone across the room where it embedded itself deep into the thin plaster wall. Alex stepped back in shock. "You got some of the files didn't you?" She asked quietly. Hudson looked slowly up. "Yeah... Before he found us in there and must've ripped his internet and computer cords out." "What did you manage to get though? Maybe something you stole could help us find James?" Alex enquired. "I guess we could check." Hudson replied sounding defeated. "Can we do it later though Alex?" She nodded "Yeah I wanna go fire some arrows at passerbys anyway." She winked. "Maybe don't do that... Go use the doorframe or a tree or something." Hudson said. Alex laughed as she grabbed her bow and quiver and walked outside into the dark of the night yet again. Hudson walked over to the kitchen and turned the kettle on, getting a mug and a satchel of instant coffee and dug through some shopping bags and found some jam donuts. He poured his coffee and opening his laptop, pulled up a chair and sat down taking a large bite from the donut. He hadn't told Alex why he had wanted to do this later. He didn't want her to know. He had seen a strange file, that to be honest... Had scared him. He hooked his phone up to his MacBook me quickly transferred the files over. Luckily his phone was still alright. Scrolling through the files he suddenly wished he had managed to get all of them, he grinded his teeth- Hudson hated failing. Dunking the donut in his coffee he took another large bite and found the file he was looking for. "Experiment 6479 'MCS' (MIND CONTROL SERUM) " Hudson quickly clicked on it, glancing behind him he checked that Alex hadn't returned yet. He scrolled through the multiple documents until he found the list of test subjects. He gulped as he saw who was on top of the list. 'INMATE 007- CELL 4/a wing a -LINKIN, James ' They were going to mind control his best friend. Hudson's eyes remained glued to the screen as he read failed attempts, what was being done to them, things needed so the serum could live inside the test subjects body, what happened to the test subjects if it didn't work and when they were going to begin the third phase of testing. Hudson clicked on photos and immediately regretted it. Images of mangled bodies, deformed faces and bits of human blurred his vision and he quickly exited the tab. James's testing began tomorrow. A loud 'bang' interrupted Hudson from his train of thought as Alex walked back into the room. Hudson knocked the remainder of his coffee over out of shock. Alex was covered head to toe in dark, red, glistening blood. As if things couldn't get any worse.

A world full of darknessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ