Chapter 29 "Never stopping, always laughing, acting like complete psychopaths."

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Unlocking the door to the shed Alex and Hudson stepped into a massive weapons vault. Alex's eyes almost bulged out of her head as she saw the amount of weapons that were stored In a tiny shed. "What do we need again Huddie?" She asked. "I'll get the hacking and explosive stuff, you get the weapon concealers, outfits and a few snipers." He replied. Alex grinned. "Sure thing bro." Alex walked off. Hudson sighed. He was worried about her, she had seen so much death in her life it was more like second nature to her, she didn't mind killing people. And that was bad. But first they needed to get James back. Hudson looked through the explosives deciding on a few silent ones, some distracting ones and massive big ass boom ones and then moved on to the hacking equipment. His fingers twitched in anticipation and he swore he could feel his tattoo pulsing on his wrist. Hacking was his life, it's what kept him sane. His foster grandad had taught him everything he knew about the art of hacking. Pretty cool for an old guy. And know Hudson was a pro. He had never been caught and usually nobody knew he had been there, he would dive into the world of cyber find hidden secrets and realise them so the world could see. Hudson was proud of his work and didn't understand why people called hackers 'criminals' . He rifled through some equipment and pulled out a special USB that released a virus into the computer he was on deliberately after he had finished what he was doing, some speaker earbuds things so he and Alex could communicate, security camera bugs and trackers. Finding a shoulder messenger bag Hudson quickly stuffed his supplies and his MacBook Pro into it. And went to go find the assassin he had let loose in a shed full of weapons. Probably not the best move he had ever made.

Alex stuffed two black outfits into her bag and stuck the retractable quiver onto her back. She still didn't understand how it compressed her arrows but she went with it. She had found the snipers eventually and pulled a Desert Tactical Arms Hard Target Interdiction Rifle. She tested its weight and brought it up to her eye. "Gosh it's heavy." She thought. "Just like my old one used to be." She carefully strapped it to her back and moved on to the machine guns- Hudson could do with one of those. She reached the section and her eyes gleamed and a smile spread across her face as she pulled a Bushmaster AR-15 from the pile. Alex quickly grabbed two bushmasters and a Glock- 40 and then ran off to go find the hacker whom she was a fugitive with.

"Hudson! Hudson look!" Alex came skidding around the corner and threw a bushmaster at Hudson. "I got you presents!" She tossed the Glock-40 in his direction as well. "I've got the outfits in my bag too." A huge smile was on Alex's face as she examined her bushmaster. "Bloody hell I love these things!" She exclaimed. Hudson laughed. "Well at least we know not to get you heels and lipstick for your birthday. All we need to get is some firearms and you'll be happy." Alex grinned at Hudson. "You know it bro." Hudson smiled. He liked it when she called him bro. "Well then sis, let's go get your boyfriend back hey?" Alex hit him playfully on the shoulder. "He's not my boyfriend! He's just my friend!" "Oh! Friend zoned!!" Hudson exclaimed dramatically. Alex laughed. They walked out of the shed, arms draped over each other's shoulders. Hudson tried ignoring the body of Jesper but he couldn't. Blood was everywhere, coating everything in sight. And in the distance Hudson could hear sirens. Suddenly alarmed Hudson looked over at Alex- they were both holding firearms. If they were caught they would never see the light of day again. "Run!" The pair yelled simultaneously. They quickly scaled the fence and ran down station road like maniacs. "Run away! Run away!" Hudson screamed. They were both laughing as they skidded around the corner and almost fell flat on there faces. They kept on running for miles. Never stopping, always laughing, acting like complete psychopaths.

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