Chapter 37 "Ummm I was ummm... Practising to be Batman?"

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Alex's eyes fluttered open, a pang of sadness erupted in her chest. She clawed at her ribcage trying somehow to stop the pain spreading through her body. "James!" She gasped. "What is happening to me?!" She thought. And then it stopped. Tears streamed down her face as the sadness exploded within her. Alex lay in her bed silent tears forming pools around her face as she stared at the ceiling, thinking about him. "I don't love him." She repeated over and over again. She refused to love anyone... Ever. But she couldn't stop thinking about him, his smile, his strength, stubbornness, laugh, the little thing he did with his mouth when he was nervous, how his leg would never ever stay still under any circumstance and how he made her feel safe- even though she was the assassin. Alex shook her head. "No!" She screamed at herself. "The moment an assassin has a heart is the moment she dies!" Alex said through gritted teeth. She swore. She'd die for him. "No!" She screamed as she tore of the blankets and marched down the hall. "This was not happening to her! She was not falling in love with James Linkin!" Alex mentally slapped that annoying little voice in her head. "Agghhh!" She growled as she stalked to the window at the end of the hall. Throwing it open she looked out, it was high. Alex didn't care, she leapt out- trying anything to stop thinking about James.

The wind rushed past her ears and through her hair, Alex laughed she wished she could fly. But unfortunately the ground was getting closer. Alex grinned as she saw what was going to save her. Hudson would kill her. Alex's arms flailed as she tried to grasp at the english flag. Her fingers wrapped around the soft material as she continued her descent. The material became taught as her body weight pulled against the flag. A loud rip echoed through the air. Alex looked up and swore loudly. She frantically tried to grab the pole as the the flag ripped completely off. Her fingers burned as she slid down the pole, her legs wrapped around it Alex closed her eyes. Her bum bumped against something, she slowly opened her eyes. Alex found her self on top of a low building which had been the proud previous owner of the English flag that now was ripped in half in Alex's hand. Getting up slowly she staggered over to the edge of the building, looking over Alex yet again jumped. And landed in the middle of a gang dealing some sort of drug. "Hey boys." Alex winked at them. The big burly one strutted over to her pulling out a handgun he pressed it into her stomach. Alex didn't even flinch. Leaning down he breathed into her ear "Are you lost princess?" Alex's blood boiled. Nobody called her princess except James. Alex pushed him over and positioned herself over him. "Don't mess with me big boy." She smirked down at him and then booted him so hard in his 'crown jewels' that he passed out. Alex turned around quickly. "Who's next?" The other boys quickly turned around and ran off, leaving their leader behind. Alex quickly searched him finding only a few cigarettes, a pen and some crumpled blank paper. Flattening out the paper Alex quickly scribbled down, smirking. "Don't mess with an assassin" she left the paper atop his chest. And still carrying the half-flag quickly returned to the hotel.

''Thawck! Thawck! Thawck!" The sound of a cricket bat hitting a punching bag could be heard down the hall, rebounding off the polished white walls. Alex marched down towards the room with the noises. Kicking the door off its hinges she ran in, half smiling, half ready to start bawling her eyes out. Seeing the flag Hudson eyes bulged. "What have you done...?" "I love him!" Alex screamed running over to Hudson and flopping into his arms. Hudson staggered back. "Wait what?" "I love him! I love James Linkin!" Hudson stood there In shock as an assassin confessed her love for his best friend in his arms. "What has the world become." He muttered to himself. He awkwardly patted her head. "Alex can you get off me now?" "No." She replied. Hudson sighed it was gonna be a long day. "Hudson...why were you hitting a punching bag with a cricket bat?" "Ummm I was ummm... Practising to be Batman?" He said unsurely. Alex laughed as she continued hugging him.

A world full of darknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora