Chapter 23 "Your chicken is dead."

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Hudson and James stood next to each other, arms slung over the others shoulders. A bottle of beer in each of their hands. "Your chicken is dead, your chicken is dead. Kevin Nolan your chicken is dead!" Hudson yelled it at the top of his lungs. Then fell to the ground in a fit of giggles, James just stood there attempting to laugh without smiling. Alex sat up against the alleyway wall, twirling her platninum butterfly knife around her fingers. "Alex, babe come join us!" James yelled out to her. Alex looked up and glared at him through the thick curtain of her hair. "Your drunk James shut up." He just laughed at her. "Your so adorable when your angry." In a flash Alex was at his throat with the knife, pressing it against the soft flesh of his neck. James looked slowly down at the knife, a flitter of fear in his glazed over eyes. "Sorry your majesty." Alex rolled her eyes and sat back down. "Alex is your chicken dead too?" Hudson asked seriously. "Yes Hudson I murdered him." She replied calmly. Hudson's eyes widened and his mouth gaped open. Tears formed at the corners of his eyes and he started crying. "It's just so sad!" He cried. "I'm best friends with a chicken murderer!" James sarted laughing. Alex gazed upon the boys actually astonished at how drunk they were. Aruptly Hudson stopped his sobbing over the fake death of a chicken and his eyes lit up. "Jamesy boy! I got a great idea." He slurred. "We should get tattoos!" James nodded his head eagerly. Taking another swig of their bottles the boys stumbled out of the alleyway, a panicked Alex running after them. "Hudson! James! Stop! Slow down!" But the boys continued running- drunk. Straight across the street narrowly missing several buses and cars the duo ran, closly followed by a very agitated assassin. The boys made it to the tattoo parlor on the other side of the road, but Alex was still in the middle of the street. Without looking and without caring she sprinted across and almost made it.

The car hit with such force that Alex went flying into the windscreen of another, glass shattered and splintered and dug into her skin. The man driving the car that hit Alex got out and walked briskly over to her- with surprising strength he wrenched her from the windscreen and pulled her to her feet. In the middle of the road the mystery man checked Alex over for broken bones and found none, he checked her for any signs of a concussion and also found none. She was perfectly fine except for some cuts and bruises. Alex stood there in shock, she couldn't hear anything. The man in front of her was yelling something in her face but she couldn't hear him. Reluctantly the man picked up Alex and took her across the road and into a pub. Then the noises flooded through her ears and she could hear again. The man let her down. "What... What happened?" Alex stuttered out. "I'm so sorry I hit you with my car when you ran across the road." The man explained. Alex blinked. "Oh. Who are you?" "I'm Arno Southern. How old are you Miss? And what's your name?" He extended his hand and Alex cautiosly shook it. "I'm Alex... umm Alex Bell. Nighteen." Of course she was lying, not wanting this Arno man to realise who she was. "You look familar have I seen you someplace before?" Arno . "I don't think i've ever seen you before Mr." She replied innocently. "Oh don't call me Mr! I'm only twenty, i'm not that old yet Girly." Alex flinched as she heard that name. The last person that called her that was Layton Smite... her first assignment. "Let me buy you a drink then Miss Alex?" Arno asked sweetly. "Oh sure, that would be lovely thank you." Alex smiled. She hoped the plan that was formulating in her mind right now would work. "Two Martini's thankyou." Arno called to the bartender. As he talked to the bartender Alex took the chance to study him. Black hair, Blue eyes, slight stubble, muscled arms and a tattoo on his left wrist. Alex's eyes widened. "No it couldn't be." She thought. The drinks arrived and Alex made sure she got her's straight from the bartender and that it didn't pass by Arno's hand first. She didn't trust him in the slightest. Raising the glass to her lips Alex took a small sip and then placed the glass carefully down untop of the coaster. She placed her hand next to the martini glass inconspicuously. She smiled sweetly at Arno again and then pretending to be moving her hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear, she knocked the glass over the side of the counter. Alex did a fake scream for extra effect. Just as she suspected Arno caught the martini glass before it had a chance to hit the floor and shatter into a million pieces. Alex gasped. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! My head is just not right today!" Arno put on a strained smile. "It's ok girly." "May i ask though Arno." She purred. "What is your tattoo?" Smirking Arno exposed his wrist. "It's a bullet." Alex cautiously stroked the small black bullet, she noticed it had a small 'K' embedded in it. "It's beautiful!" She exclaimed. Arno puffed his chest out proudly. Still stroking his wrist Alex said. "Now tell me Arno... how is Kai Malum these days?" With his other hand Arno reached to the back of his waistband and pulled out a black Glock 22. Ripping her butterfly knife out Alex cut his tattooed wrist and then slid the knife up his throat. Arno dropped to the ground in a puddle of his own still warm blood- dead. Screams filled the pub and Alex knew she had to go find James and Hudson before Kai's minions did. Walking out of the bar she yelled behind her back. "Adiós Amigos!" And then disappered into the tattoo parlor. Hudson lay on the tattoo chair on his belly with the artist poised over his backside jabbing ink into his buttocks. James was passed out on the floor in the corner. "Alex! Your alive!" Hudson screamed from the chair. "Hudson I see your as drunk as anything!" Alex replied in a happy tone. The tattoo artist told Hudson he was done and he hopped up off the chair stumbling a bit as he did. "Hudson what did you do...?" Alex asked nervously. Grinning he turned around a completly mooned Alex showing off his new tattoo which read. "REBEL." In huge thick, bold black lettering. Alex moaned. "Come on let's get you two outta here and sobered up." "But i don't wanna be sober Alex!" Then he started quoting movies. "I'm a peacock you gotta let me fly!" "Hudson! Peacocks don't fly!" She yelled at him. Moving over to James Alex picked him up and flung the eighteen year old boy over her shoulder. Groaning under the weight she grabbed Hudson's hand and led him out onto the street. They were to late, they had came face to face with Kai Malum.

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