Chapter 30 "Oh my gosh Alex! You can't just say people look like bulls!"

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"I took a cheap shot, a clean miss, burning my defences by the shakin' of her hips. And then she... Moves in, quick kiss, breathing down my neck, she had me wrapped around her wrist!" Hudson belted out the lyrics to 'Six shooter' while Alex stood on the hotel table shaking her hips in time to the music blaring out through the speakers they had nicked. "I tried to break loose! Tight grip, knocking me unconscious when she bit her bottom lip!" Hudson held a spatula as he danced around the table preparing to sing the chorus. "Lost cause, a fast fight, she ain't taking any prisoners; and she's through playing nice. Loaded the bullets with my blood in the rounds. Yeah she's a sweet six shooter, she knows how to get down-" Hudson stopped abruptly when two very grumpy hotel managers burst through the door. You could almost see the smoke coming out of there ears. Alex laughed. "You two look like bulls." "Oh my gosh Alex! You can't just say people look like bulls!" Hudson exclaimed. "Excuse me! Mr and Mrs Bell! We would appreciate it if you could turn the music down... a lot! It is two-thirty in the morning and our other guests are trying to get some sleep! Have some consideration!" Hudson and Alex both raised there hands and saluted at the same time. "Yes sir!" They said in unison. The two hotel managers left the room and Alex switched the music off and had another swig of her diet coke and vodka. Hudson collapsed onto the couch and fell asleep, Alex soon followed -crumpling to the soft supple leather in a heap. Snoring peacefully.

Alex woke up a faint throbbing at the back of her skull. She was glad she only had a light hangover and not a full horrible 'I'm never gonna drink again' one. She sat up off the couch slowly and shook Hudson awake. "Huddie wake up! Breakfast time!" Slowly Hudson's eyes blinked open. "Anastasia?" Alex fell back in shock at the name. "You called me Anastasia?" Hudson sat up quickly. "I'm sorry it's just you looked like her and I had been dreaming of her... I'm sorry." He quickly apologised. Alex smiled. "Hey it's ok Hudson." She lept over the couch and grabbed a box of coco pops they had had for dinner the night before. As Alex reached for a bowl she noticed an odd stick like cylinder on the table. Cautiously she picked it up- it was black and had a hard rubber handgrip in the middle. "Hudson what is this?" She asked. Hudson's eyes widened and then he smirked. "That my friend is the only weapon I can use." He made his way over to the table and picked the cylinder up. Twisting the handgrip the cylinder expanded- so it was now a long stake like staff. Hudson expertly twisted it around his fingers and body and then held it in the kill stance at Alex's throat. "See? I picked it up last night when you were getting the snipers." Alex smiled and then tackled Hudson to the ground in a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you Hudson! You can use a weapon!" Hudson laughed. "I am honestly offended, you thought I couldn't use a weapon?" Alex bit her lip. "Well yeah pretty much." Hudson threw his head back and laughed. Alex got up off him and gathered her weapons and other gear. "Come on Hudson, screw breakfast we've got to infiltrate AHKTEM and save your boyfriend." Hudson's head popped up. "My boyfriend? I'm not gay! James is ma man!" Alex laughed and proceeded to walk out the hotel door. "Hurry up Hudson."

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