Chapter 22 "You look so threatening in a Charizard onesie."

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"Run away! Run away!" Hudson screamed as he bolted down the hall of the hotel into the lobby. James hot on his tail- also screaming. James looked behind him, and as a result- tripped over Hudson's feet. The two boys crashed violently to the hard tiled floor of the lobby. Alex skidded around the corner in her socks and newly bought Charizard onesie. If Alex hadn't been on a mission to possibly kill them James would've found her looking quite cute in that onesie. But of course she was trying to kill them, so that wasn't an option. People in the lobby started screaming and frantically running out the door "Why are they all running out?" Hudson asked innocently. "Probably because of the bucket load of weapons she's carrying Hudson." James replied. James saw Hudson's eyes become the size of tennis balls as he saw the amount of weapons Alex was carrying. The hotel manager and his receptionist, that he was feeling up a few moments before now cowered behind the desk. "Yes sir, we have three armed teenagers in the facility. Yes sir I do think it is the three fugitives. Yes sir, right away sir. Keep them distracted for two minutes? You got it sir!" Alex actually rolled her eyes as she heard the managers conversation. She put down her weapons carefully on the floor and pulled her morphibow from the pile, quietly knocking two black and gold feathered arrows she pulled the bowstring back to the bottom of her ear and aimed at the desk. Alex winked at James as she released the string, the two arrows flew perfectly at Alex's two unsuspecting victims. A loud bang followed by two gurgling screams filled the air as the arrows found their homes within the victims necks. "Alex! We've only got approximately forty-five seconds before whoever was on the other end of that phone gets here!" Hudson yelled in her face. Alex obviously annoyed by the screaming in her face, pulled back her fist and punched Hudson square in the nose. "Owww!" Hudson screamed as he clutched at his bleeding nose. "What the hell woman?!" Alex grinned innocently at him before picking up her weapons and walking out the door. "Come along boys don't want to be put in prison do you?" She called sweetly over her shoulder.

Three hours later...

"Are we there yet?" Hudson whined. Alex whipped around and grabbed his throat tightly. "For the millionth time! No we are not there yet! Grow up Hudson!" "You would so much more threatening if you weren't wearing a Charizard onesie." Hudson smirked back at her. Alex rolled her eyes and took a step back from him, then punched him the nose- again. "What is your problem woman?!" Hudson screamed. Smiling sweetly at him Alex replied. "My problem would be you Huddie dear." She poked him gently on his bleeding and bruised nose. "Oww." He whimpered. Alex continued to walk down the deserted London street in her bright orange Charizard onesie. "That girl really has no shame." James thought. Sighing he obediently followed his two slightly estranged and disturbed best friends.


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