Chapter 56 "Hopeless."

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Omgosh! I am so nervous guys! I really hope you guys like these next two chapters because I can tell you I have put a lot of effort into them! Two years of my life has gone in preparation for this!! I'm so excited! Enjoy!

James was leisurely eating his lunch when Hudson burst through the doors, wildly looking around- like a rabid dog. He stopped and turned to face them all. "Guys! It's one-thirty! Time to suit up!" Connor face palmed himself and the rest of the crew groaned. James rolled his eyes. "Legit? Did you seriously just say that? We're not the frikken Avengers mate." Hudson crossed his arms and pouted. "I've always wanted to say that! So suck it and go get suited up!" He pointed to the door and stood erect. He waited there till everyone had moved out of the dining room. James didn't miss him grinning excitedly and the fist pump into the air. James smiled and made his way back to his room.
Alex couldn't help but wonder if this was the last time she would ever put on this outfit. A spark of fear ignited in her chest, which ever way this went tonight she wasn't coming out the same person that she was going in. Biting her lip she pushed her new combat boots on lacing them up quickly before moving on to securing James' necklace around her neck and hiding it under her body armour. She breathed in a shaky breath, she was almost as nervous as she was when she was about to kill Zelda Malum. Pulling her hair tie out she pulled her fingers through her goldy brown locks and skilfully pulled her hair back into a super tight French braid. She tucked the end into the back of her collar. A knock sounded on the door. "Come in." Alex yelled towards the door, she didn't look back at who was entering just continued fitting her weapons on to her body. Two thick, warm arms snaked their way around Alex's abdomen and lips pressed themselves into the skin just beneath her ear. Alex sighed and leaned into the body behind her. "Why are you so beautiful?" James whispered in her ear and Alex grinned. She turned around and looked him up and down. "Why aren't you changed yet?" James' eyes widened and his mouth formed an 'o'. He quickly rushed to the trunk at the end of his bed, Alex had abandoned her room and had taken over James'. Wrenching the trunk open he pulled out a bundle of black leather, a pair of boots, and some batman boxers. Alex couldn't help but laugh. "Do all your boxers have superheroes on them?" She asked half laughing. James gave her the look. "Yes..." Alex laughed again, a smile stretching across her face. James ripped his shirt off and replaced it with his body armour, Alex couldn't help but stare. Walking over to her special box she pulled out her gloves- it was almost like a ritual to her now. The bronze glimmered and the black leather shone like a void of darkness. She pulled them on and secured them tight. James laced his boots quickly before walking over to the wardrobe and pulling Apollo out and securing the sheath across his back, sliding Apollo in quickly after. Standing on his tippy toes he reached up to the top of the wardrobe and pulled down a small pot, it was full of black camo paint. Sitting on the desk chair, James motioned for Alex to come over. Holding the pot up on his palm he asked. "Can you put this on my face please?" Alex grinned and nodded. Grabbing the pot from his hand she unscrewed the lid and dipped three fingers into the cold paint. She smeared the first lot over his nose and down the side of his cheek, Alex continued until majority of James' face was black. James grabbed the pot from Alex's smeared hands and got to work on her face. She rubbed some up and down her arms as James continued his onslaught, than she rubbed his arms with it too. After the paint had been applied Alex threw a few guns in James' direction before fitting her quiver over her back and inserting the compressed bow into the strap on her thigh, which also held multiple guns, shuriken and knives. Connor's golden knives were hidden in her forearm guards. Looking in the mirror Alex took in another deep breath, the two of them definitely looked the part, deadly and ready to kill. They walked out of the room and into the dining area, where everyone else was already getting ready. James tossed the pot of paint to Hudson who caught it with ease and began applying it. Alex looked over at Connor who was busy shoving vicious looking knives into an ankle sheath underneath his pants. He looked up briefly and smiled sadly at her. Jacob was getting the computer and ear pieces ready and Laurel was getting Jacob's equipment ready, one hand on her belly. Alex went and collected an earpiece, shoving it into her ear and testing it she then walked over to Laurel. "Hey you think we can pull this off?" Laurel went in for a hug and gripped Alex tightly. "Yeah I really do. Just promise me you'll bring them all back safely? Even if it means abandoning the mission, don't hesitate to pull out Alex." Alex nodded. "I promise." Laurel smiled and pointed over to the kitchen. "Now go and eat! Trust me you'll need the energy!" Alex hugged her quickly again before moving off in attempt to find food.

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