Chapter 52 "Forgotten Love."

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"This is Alexandria Tove, initiate number 6079. First ordeal coming up. Four live targets, close quarters combat, weapon is a bow and 3 arrows. Let's see how she does folks." Kai Malum's face left the screen and instead was replaced by an image of Alex in black leather with a quiver on her back and a black recurve in her hand. Four grown, bulky men surrounded her each holding a different type of knife- machete, hunting, dagger and lastly a carving knife. The camera spun around to a face a young woman that looked like she never smiled. Her eyes were a bright green and her lipstick- blood red. "Commence." She said loudly through the glass to Alexandria. The next second there was a man pressed against the glass with an arrow through his throat, his blood dribbled down the glass. Alex's grunts could be heard from behind the glass but you couldn't see anything because of the blood. The camera switched and now you could see the bloodbath in full detail, another man lay dead on the ground his own machete embedded in his skull. The remaining two surrounded Alex, pulling an arrow from her quiver arrow Alex thrust it backwards, straight into the man behind her. Kicking the man in front of her he fell to the ground and Alex pulled her last arrow from the quiver and shot him clean through the eye. "Bastard." Alex grumbled as she cupped her hand over a profusely bleeding cut on her bicep. The woman spoke again- this time through a microphone to Alex. "Well done Alexandria! Five minute break to your next ordeal." Alex grumbled back in response and walked out the now open door. The camera switched again and this time the woman and Kai popped up. Kai readjusted the camera. "Keep it still you blithering idiot!" The woman hissed at him. "Zelda, shut the hell up." Kai snapped back. Zelda hit him over the back of his head. "Just because you are my brother does not mean I won't kill you." Zelda shot him a death stare and Kai grumbled under his breath before exiting the view of the camera. "It's on Zelda smellda!" Kai said. Zelda gave him a deadly stare. "Hello everyone I am Zelda Malum and I am Alexandria Tove's mentor, initiate number 6079. The second ordeal is about to begin, three live targets, Alexandria will be blindfolded and the flooring has been covered with dry twigs. Alexandria's weapons today consist of two short swords or 'xiphos' as they are known in their original language. The targets today will only have strangle strings, knuckle dusters and batons. Let's see how she's goes in this one." The camera spun around and Alex was in the centre of the room once again but this time blindfolded. The men around her grinning evilly as they readied their weapons. You could see Alex taking deep breaths and gripping her swords tightly. "Commence!" Zelda boomed. The man with the batons never stood a chance he was pinned to the wall with Alex's sword before you could say "guacamole." The man with the strangle string crept up behind her but Alex could here him, spinning around she kicked up her leg and got him straight in the chest, the man went flying into the wall. The man with the knuckledusters swung at Alex and got her in the cheek. Spitting out blood Alex whirled her swords around and decapitated the man, before turning around again and stabbing the man she had kicked in the heart. The camera spun around to see Kai gaping like a fish at what he had just saw. "You can take your blindfold off Alexandria, good job we'll see you in the morning for you third ordeal." Zelda told her. Alex nodded and exited the bloody room. The camera turned off and then after a few moments turned back on, night vision was on and somebody was walking with the camera. "This is the third ordeal 'surprise attack' we like to call it! Let's see how Alexandria takes this one!" Kai's voice whispered into the camera. "Oh wait sorry! Alexandria Tove, initiate number 6079, six live targets, no weapons, it's dark and she has no idea they are coming for her. Oh and she's also asleep at the moment." Kai opened a door and sat in a chair facing a window, you could see Alex asleep in her bed curled up around her blankets, her hand tucked away under her pillow. The six men snuck closer to Alex's bed and then Alex's eyes snapped open. In a flash she had jumped one of the men a knife in hand and stabbed him in the back of the neck, the second quickly followed. The third was a bit smarter then the rest and got out of her way, Alex roundhouse kicked the fourth in the face and stabbed him in the neck while he was distracted. The fifth advanced holding a knife that was a lot bigger then Alex's, Alex kicked him in the groin and while he was recovering slit his throat. The sixth punched her in the abdomen with knuckle dusters and Alex doubled over in pain, he kept punching. Alex coughed up blood and then stabbed him in the stomach, the man stopped punching to say the least. Alex stabbed him again in the heart just to make sure he was dead. The third came back and spear tackled her to the ground. Alex swore as the back of her head came into contact with the ground, elbowing the third guy in the face she got on top and slit his throat quickly. The camera spun around so it showed Kai now. "Good job Alex now go to bed and get a good nights sleep for tomorrow!" Alex flipped him the bird and then crawled back into bed.
Again the camera turned off and then back on, this time it was Connor who was on screen. "Hi everybody! My name is Connor Caisses and I am a fully fledged assassin of the Zelda Malum assassins! Today my job is to interview Alexandria Tove for her initiate video." Connor smiled. The camera turned so you could now see Alex and Connor. Alex was wearing a plain black shirt and jeans her hair loosely done in a messy bun. Connor wore black jeans with a tight white shirt his hair perfectly ruffled. "So Alex you have got one more ordeal to go and then your initiate assignment, how do you feel?" Alex glared at him. "Connor, shut the hell up." Connor didn't. "Okay next question... Alex do you know that you're the most feared assassin out of all the Zelda Malum assassins?" Alex raised an eyebrow at this. "Am I now?" You could see the devilish smile appearing on Connor's face. Turning to the camera he said. "Well this interview is over." And the camera went blank. When the camera opened up next it was bobbing along a dimly lit hallway, very quickly. The camera person turned a corner and came face to face with Alex and Connor making out in the corner of the dead end. "Well, well, well! What do we have here?" Kai's voice snickered as he caught them. "Shut up Kai you sound like a wannabe Bond villain." Connor snapped at him as he wrapped his hands protectively around Alex's waist. "What the hell? You're filming this? Get out of here Kai before I smash your face." Alex pulled out a pair of knuckledusters that glinted in the little light. You could hear Kai smirking from his voice. "You know poor Alexandria, you won't remember a thing about this. You won't remember the kills, the interview, the ordeals, the kisses... All will be erased  before your initiate assignment. If you're lucky you'll forget him." Kai gestures towards Connor. You could see Alex curl her fingers around the knuckledusters. "The serum does that to people... Erases everything the people who give it to them want. Poor unfortunate Alexandria won't even remember this conversation until she sees the video. Who knows when that will be..." Kai said smugly. Then Alex struck. The camera fell to the ground sideways, you could see Alex hitting Kai with the knuckledusters, blood spurted everywhere. Connor stood back for a few seconds before he finally reached in and pulled Alex back easily before she got the chance to kill Kai. "You stupid whore! I'm so glad I killed your family, but I should have killed you at the same time! One day I will get you Alexandria!" Kai screamed at her as he ran off with the camera. The last image before the camera turned black was of Connor holding Alex by her elbows as she struggled to get loose, screaming and crying.

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