1- OFF

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Working all the time has become a lifestyle for sehyoon. The male never does ,well anything, so when his job gave him the weekend off he didnt know whst to do. Sehyoon was a doctor, and well doctors are always on call. But since he was up at the hospital for days on end they sent him home. And even had the audacity to tell him to turn off his phone.

"this is bull" He opened the door to his apartment and walked in. It was a really quiet building that he lived in, and that was probably because it was surrounded by older folks. Sehyoon threw the keys on the kitchen counter and plopped down on the sofa. "what am i supposed to do."

The male sighed before turning on the tv. He bought it many years ago, and in all honesty this is his first time using it. His apartment was spacious for only one person. He had two bedrooms and two bathrooms. The living room was fairly large with only one pathetic couch and a smalll entertaimnet shelf with the new but old tv. His kitchen was all white with a mix of gray.

Really all in all it was a nice place. And since he didnt have anything to do the boy was just staring off into space. *ring ring ring* The landline phone was ringing, and for a while he debated on answering but went ahead and did so.


"Hey sehyoon its junhee. are you off?"

"Yes" the black haired male knew where this converstaion was going. "come down to the bar with me" Now sehyoon has never ever been to a bar. He was always to scared of what could happen or what might happen. So he really did not want to go, but this time he had no excuses not to. And since he had nothing better to do he reluctantly agreed.

The only clothes he had for this occasion was a pair of black jeans and a plain black shirt that he had bought 5 years ago. The rest just consisted of formal clothing he would wear to work.

When sehyoon put them on he was suprised that they actially fit. " dang i still got it" the boy laughed while checking himself out in the mirror. It only took him 5 minutes to get ready, and really he wasn't nervous at all. He was 27 what could make him nervous anyway.

So he grabbed his walllet, keys, and left the place dressed as causually as he has ever been. Sehyoon thought about driving but he didn;t want to chance it just in case he got drunk. So he called a taxi and gave the driver the address that junhee gave him. When the taxi came to a hault and he got out, junhee was standing outside the place. He looked like he had been waiting all this time for sehyoon to arrive.

The street was filled with intoxicated people. Some were stubling trying to call a taxi, others on the phone leaning against the bulding. There were even some vommiting on the curb. This is why he has never wanted to come to a place like this. These unhygienic people trying to drink away their problems, despite the consequences.

Sehyoon was starting to regret his choice of coming here. He knew as soon as they step inside the place junhee is going to dissapear. The past couple weeks his friend has been coming here often to met some guy. The same guy everytime, and for some reason this is the only place they meet.

When the dark haired male walked in the building he had to push and shove his way over to the bar. One thing he promised himself earlier was that getting drunk was not an option for him. So he was only gonna drink a little and call it a night.

Maybe he would even see this mystery guy that Junhee has fallen in love with.

When he ordered his drink it took seconds to come to him. Now that was impressive considering how many people were gathered around. He took a sip and sat on one of the stools, facing out toward the people. He sighed as the last sip of his drink was gone. Junhee was nowhere to be found, so he was just thinking about leaving.

That was until he felt a small tap on his shoulder, and when he turned around the sight took his breathe away. The boy had silver hair. It laid perfectly around his face. He was wearing a red crop top that sat a little above his pant line. His pants were black, and he had some black boots on.Sehyoon didn't realize he was staring until the boy let out a small cough.

"ohh.... did you need something?" The boy smiled. It was the cutest thing he has ever seen. " can I buy you a drink?"

This shocked sehyoon. Was he being hit on? Is that happening? "Ummm.. what if I bought you a drink?"

The gray haired boy smiled and nodded. He took a seat next to sehyoon and put his hand out. "I'm Kim byeongkwan" His hand was met in response from the dark haired. "Kim sehyoon"

"Oh thats a very pretty name." the smaller smiled as sehyoon handed him the drink. "You dont usualy vcome to places like thses do you?" Sehyoon laughed gently. "How did you know"

" you seem uncomftorable" he smiled. Kwan was watching the male the entire time. Something about him just caught the smallers attention. byeongkwan comes to bars at least every other weekend, but he never meets anyone who peaks his interest .

But from the moment this mysterious man walked in. He knew he had to talk to him, which normaly isnt a problem but he was actually nervous this time. Even sitting here with the male was making him a nervous wreck. Everytime he smiled or laughed or even talked. Really everything was going well, and what shocked them both were the next words that came out of byeongkwans mouth.

"since this is your first time at a bar. Then it should be an unnforgettable night. Right?"


So i've noticed there havent been many wowkwan ffs so i want to write one. stob_it_im_so_done_

I'm going to enjoy this ff because I am going to have a lot of fun writing it.

YOU-WOWKWANNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ