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Sehyoon was cold, when he reached over on the bed he realized it was empty. His heart dropped. He slowly sat up. The boys clothes were gone from the floor, and so were the clothes he lent last night. It was dead quiet in the house, and thats when sehyoon knew the boy had left. Why do i feel this sad. What was i expecting, He cursed ay himself as his feet touched the cold ground.

Byeongkwan probably didn't even feel that way towards him, so why even bother thinking about him. But the events of last night were filling his mind, and it was making him tear up. Was he really going to cry over this. This stranger. That would make me stupid. The boy sighed. Even though he was supposed to have the weekend off he called the office to see if they needed help.

He knew the only way to keep the boy off his mind was to work. Like he always does. With no end. So when they told him that they were falling apart without him there he was glad. He rinsed his face off, took some pain killers, and fetched his work clothes out of the dryer. He grabbed his keys, and was about to walk out when he saw a small piece of paper sitting on the kitchen counter.

"I'm sorry" was all it read. The only words. Thats it, no number, no adsress , nothing. The black haired male felt really stupid, but at the same time he felt bad. The sorry felt sincere, but is that even possible when you just leave without saying anything. He stufffed the note into his pant pocket, and fetched a energy drink from the fridge. He had no appetite, but needed some soruce of energy. So the drink would have to do.

When he left many of his neighbors were leaving as well. Probably to go get groceries and such. They gave him and awkward smile and bow as he rusehed out of the building, to which he did the same. This feeling was one of the worst things he has ever felt, and this is why the boy doesn't focus on anything except work. Because that seems like the only thing that would keep him feeling like a person.

----------45 minutes earlier---------------

Byeongkwan woke up in the warm arms of the male. He was wearing some big clothes becasue the other was nice enough to lend him some sleeping clothes. Kwan wiggled a bit so the males grip wasn't as tight. When he did this the tallers face was compelty in Kwans view, He was gorgeous that was one thing that he could not deny. Sleeping like this, and last night he is really soemthing.

The smaller soflty ran his finger along the tallers facial features. His big eyes, perfect nose, soft lips, and puffy cheeks. "what am i doing this is wrong" the smaller mummbled to himself. This male might not even want me to be here when he waked up. With this thought Kwan had a lump bulding up in his throat. He felt like the tears were going to come at any time, and he did not want to cry about this. At least not in this apartment.

He slid the rest of his way out of the boys grip, and carefully sat up. The gray haired sat there staring at the boy while the tears where rolling down his cheeks. This was just a one night stand. He wants nothing more.

Kwan was trying to convince himself as the sleeeping boy was syarting to reach arounf the bed, as if he was trying to find the smaller. "no he isn't looking for me" He got up and put on the boots he was wearing last night, but he didn;t change his clothes. Partly because he didn;t think there was enough time to change, but really he wanted to keep the males clothes.

When he gathered all his things, and walked out into the living area he found a small piece of paper laying on the floor. He picked it up and one of the pens from the kitchen counter. He jotted down a "i'm sorry" because he did feel ad about leaving. But it's not like he would care anyway, so really he felt like he was making a fool out of himself.

But just left it when he heard small noises from the bedroom. It sounded like the male was about to wake up. So he blessed his small frame for being able to quickly and quietly make it out of the door without a single noise. He really felt empty, and embarassed while leaving the building. Was this really the right thing to do? should he have just left, pr waited until he got kicked out? Would he have gotten kicked out?

Either way he was just walking, and thinking. Should he just go home, even though he just wants to go back. There was this gut feeling that what he was doing was wrong. But what if the other male already woke up. How would Kwan explain why he left with all his things, and then just came back. That would be beyond embarassing for him.

So instead he would just go home, and have to explain to chan, his roomate, why he was gone last night. And really that would be so much work because the boy would ask so many questions, and -

Byeongwkans thoughts were cut off when a sharp pain was felt across his body. He fell to the floor and he started blacking out, he could see someone standing over him. Yelling something, and maybe crying too. His entire body felt that is was going to shatter if he even moved a single centimeter. But even if he tried nothing was responding. His eyes were slowly shutting, and he heard the sound of an ambulance .

Maybe if i just slept a little I would feel better. The boy closed his eyes as the sound was coming closer.

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