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"stop let me help you please" Sehyoon pouted while staring at the smaller who was trying to get himself out of the car. Kwan stared at the boy first before giving in. He let the Black haired boy assist him into the wheelchair. One thing Kwan did not like was people having to consttanly help him, so this was new for him. Especially since he could do practically nothing on his own.

Some people were sparong glances as the boy was being pushed into the building. Really it made him feel uncomftorable, and he wished the taller would go a bit faster. But when they finally reacjed the door kwan let out a breathe that he was holding in. Being pushed back into that apartment all of the memories of them rushed back to him. It caused his face to start heating up.

Sehyoon noticed but said nothing. He just thought it was really cute. He pusehed the boy over to the couch, and with great care helped him out of the chair and onto it. He made sure to adjust so the boy was comftorable, and covered him cozly with a fluffy blanket that he bought a week ago. The small boy was just staring cutely at the taller. He said nothing until th eblack haired male was starting to walk away.

"sehniiii were are you going?" he was wearing a pouty expression. The smaller did not want him to leave his side even for a second. "i am goign to make you some porridge" the taller placed a hand on Kwans thigh. "you should start eating something light first okay". The smaller could never say no to this man. Especially while he was wearing that beautiful smile.

"sehni.. can i use your phone to call my roomate?" he knew that the taller would let him anyeay. But he did not have a phone becasue of the accident. it got destroyed, and Kwan felt terrible about Chan not knowing his wearabouts. "of course" he handed the smaller the object, and walked to the kitchen to start the food. He also wanted to provide some privacy for the smaller.

When Kwan turned the ohone on it had no lock. There were zero notifications, and he wasnt meaning to snoop but when he went to the taller contacts it only had three numbers. They were his mother and father, also his job. Its weird to think that this male who just seems so perfect in every way had no one. All he really did was work, and well kwan wanted to change that. He hoped he could change that.


"hello chan its kwan"

"OMG WHERE ARE YOU WHAT HAPPENED" byeongkwan moved the phone away from his ear a bit. Becasue he knew this was how the boy was going to react.

"i got into an accident, and i just wanted to lwt you know i am okay, and am being taken care of"

"BY WHO, IT ISNT ME SO WHO ELSE COULD IT BE" the gray haired boy was giggling a bit.

"its just someone"

"oooooooooo have you met someone and not told me" Kwan was glad that chan coudlnt see him becasue his face was turning red.

"BYEEEEE CHANNNNN I LOVE YOU" he hurridly hung the phone up, and placed it next to him. At this time he saw the taller coming in his direction with a bowl. "is everything okay" he smiled as he placed the bowl in the small hands of byeongkwan. "yes it is. he is just a bit crazy sometimes" With that the male nodded.

Sehyoon did not make him anything yet becasue he wanted to make sure that the boy got all the nutrients he needed. "sehni when was the last time you have eaten?" the question shocked him slightly. He rubbed the crook of his neck and let out a echasuted laugh. "2 days, maybe almsot 3 i really dont remeber"

Kwan was confused as to why he would wait that long to eat. Or if that was like a daily thing for him. The male was obviosly always busy... so maybe thats one thing he doesnt eat much.

Byeongkwan got a spoon full and sat up a bit. The feeling he had easnt pain it was more like a type of really bad soreness.

"kwan im fine really" he smiled while looking at the boy who was holding the spoon near his face.

The gray haired boy made a pouty face at the taller. He was hungry, but did not want to eat the smallers food. Esecially since he has been through so much the past couple days.

"Please Sehyoon my arm is getting tired, and i wont put it down till you eat"

"fine fine" the dark haired male leaned foward and ate the contents on the spoon. Really it felt good going into his empty stomach.

'"we are sharing, come here scoot closer" The smaller demanded while pointing his small finger at the boy.

Sehyoon was giggling becaseu the cutness of this boy was out of this world.

He moved ina bit closer so they were now sitting thigh to tigh, and byeongkwan turned the tv on.

When it was turned on sehyoon of course didnt know what was on. Or even what channel this was.

but when kwan looked over at him with this smirk he was comnfused. "what?"

"you really are watvhing fifty shades of grey?" Sehyoon immeditaly got super embaressed. His face was turning a birght red.

He knew what that movie was although he has never seen it, he heard about it.

"No NO No I dont watch tv it was just on this channel all the time" kwan wanted to laugh so bad. The expresion on the taller boys face was pricelss.

Even if he was watching it the boy is an adult so Kwan doesnt see why he would even be embaressed.

"sehni its okay, Im just giving you a hard time" he leaned over slightly and pecked the males lips.

"now here lets finish this food"

YOU-WOWKWANNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ