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Sehyoon brain was not thinkging. All he knew was this man was like a drug to him, and he just felt like he couldnt stop himself. The olders lips softlt landed on the smallers. He may be feeling arousely, but he was not careless. Never in his life would he intetnionally hurt the smaller.

Kwan was feeling amazing. The way it was such a soft kiss. You could really feel all the emtions behind it, and really he felt like maybe he did love this man.

Sehyoon was placing small soft kisses on the neck, and collar bone of the smaller as he moaned soflty. The fiery actions behind the first time were gone, and now it was more of lets take it slow, and i want to appreciate you.

Sehyoon pulled away from the smaller, and for at least 10 seconds byeongkwan kept his eyes shut. Just enjoying that his with everything in his body. "kwannie open your eyes" the smaller did as told. His gaze met instatnly with this loving glare coming from the older.

The dark haired male placed his hand on byeongkwans face, and the boy softly leaned into his hand. "you are amazing" the words just slipped from sehyoons mouth. Never would he have guessd those words would come out of his mouth.

He smiled soflty at sehyoon. "now lets get you washed up so we can sleep" the older was suddently more confident than normal. He was taking the initatibve, anf byeongkwan did not mind. "I have am idea" the smaller said as the taller was finishing taking off his pants.

"whats that?" he placed the outfit into the dirty hamper, and turned his attention to the boy. "well since the bath wall is just soo cold, and hard.... how about you get in and i sit in between your legs?" Byeongkwan was wearing ahopeful smile, and it was endearing to sehyoon espcially seeing him sitting in his underwear.

"so you are saying that you want me to bathe with you so you have a cushion?" Kwan just looked up. His expression was priceless, and that made sehyoon laugh.

"im just kidding, yes i will get in with you" He was giggling at the smallers still annoyed facial expresion.

Sehyoon started undressing himself, and the smaller just watcheed the enitre time. "dont stare at me like that" the older blushed slightly as he removed his pants leaving only underwear.

"sorry i just forgot how sexy you are under all that cutness"


The taller was smiling like an idiot. He helped the smaller stand and help remove his last piece of clothing. Sehyoon was trying very harf not to be werrd. They have aready seen eachother naked, but it is still a big deal for him. "let me know if the water is too hot" The older started placing kwan in the water.

Once his body was in the water the older stripped of his underwear, and got in the space behind byeongkwan. The water was warm, and his body was starting to relax fast. Byeongkwan moved his body back so his back was leaning against sehyoon chest. He relaxed his head perfectly in the crook of the olders neck.

"see this is nice" the smaller sighed putting more of his weight on the other. The taller agreed. This really was amazing, and really out of everyone it could have been he was happy that it was byeongkwan in his arms.

"Im gonig to start washing you okay" he smiled even though the smaller couldnt see him. The male was just genuinly happy.

He wet byeongkwans hair before putting a small aomunt of soap and running his hands through the boys hair. It was shocking just how thick the smallers hair was.

Each time sehyoon rubbed his head the more he relaxed. This was like nothing he has ever done before, and condifering how bold he can be most peopel dont beileve him.

After his har sehyoon scrubbed his body thorughly, and with all the care in the worls. Hid touch was so soft against byeongkwan skin, and yet it made him get butterflies each time. Especially when he was kissing the top of the boys head.

There was so much love in the doctors heart, and he never knew it exz=custed until now. "im going to clean myself real wuick okay" the smaller just nodded, but he stayed put. There was no way he was going to move becasue this was exctly where he wanted to be.

After the older washed himself the best he could without causing disruption to the smaller he helped get both of them out. He wrapped a towel arpund his waisst, and again put all his atentiion on the smaller.

When moving kwan from his bathroom and back into the bedroom sehyoon made sure he was wrapped well. He did not want the other to get a cold.

"sehni... can i wear those?" he pointed to a pair of sweas and a tshirt sitting on the top of his shelf. "My sleeping clothes?" the male walked over and grabbed them. His chest was still exposed, and you could see goosebumbs/

"yes. they smell like you" he gave a smile knoeing the older was going to let him anyway.

When getting him dressed the smaller kept yawning. It did not suprose the taller that he was tired, so when he finished putting his own clothes on. The boy turned the lights off and climbed into the bed next to byeongkwan.

He felt small fingers touching his hip "scoot closer" the dingers were pulling on the bottom of his shirt.

He did as told, and was in the middle of the bed, and when he felt the smallers face agaisnt his chest his arms carefully draped over him.

"goodnight" the younger mummbled into his chest. Small tears were running down his cheek. Sehyoon couldnt understand this overwhelming feeling in his gut, and it was amazing.

The smaller fell asleep rapidly." goodnight kwannie.....i love you" he whispered into the dark.

so i love fluff. I cant help it.... it just soothes my soul.

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