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When Sehyoon got to the hospital he was immediately rushed to check on a patient who was in an accident. The nurse was telling him the boys condition, and it was one of the worse conditions he has ever heard. The boy broke all of his ribs, and punctured a lung. His entire body was bruised. According to the report. Sehyoon was calm until the nurse told him the name of the boy.

His heart stopped "Kim byeongkwan" the male stopped walking and looked directly at the woman who was confused. He felt a mix of emotions, but when he snapped out of it he was running to the boys room. When he walked in the boy was lieing their unconcious. The report didn;t even begin to describe the condition he was in. The shirt that was cut off his his body was laying on the floor.

It was sehyoon, and he recognized it immediatly. He started working fast to treat the boy, and the entire time he was crying. Everyone who helped him were confused as to why the doctor was crying, but no one dared say a word about it.

Once the smaller was treated and everyone left the room, sehyoon lingered. He knew that he shouldn't be sitting in here with the boy who just broke his heart, but everytime he looks at that face he can't help but feel everything. The entire night. The unforgettable night.

He hesitantly intertwined his and the boys fingers. He lied when he said yhe boy leaving was the worst feeling, because this was definitely worse. He felt the boy squeeeze his hand but he still was not responding.

His nurse walked in and told him that he was needed elswehre at the moment. So with much on his mind he went around and helped his other patients. The entire day he spent checking up on the smaller when he had the time, and the boy still has not woken up. So when he finished for the day the taller stayed there. He went into the smallers room, and sat worridlt in the room.

"sehyoon" there was a small voice saying his name. It was dark in the room, but he rushed over to the bedside of the boy. He still had his eyes closed, but he was crying. Rapid tears were falling from his cheek. "yes kwan im here" he placed his own hand over the smallers. His eyes twitched but still did not open. "I'm sorry but dont leave me. Please come back"

His breathing was becoming unstable, and sehyoon was crying. The boy was in some kind of daze. Sehyoon was sure the boy didn't even realize that he was here. Yet he was crying for him. Kwan was crying out sehyoons name, and any bit of anger that the boy had just dissapeared in an instance. When he felt the smaller grab ahold of his hand he didn't move.

He layed his head on the side railing of the bed. It wasn't very comfortable, but he was not leaving the boy here, alone.

"Sehyoon, Sir" their was a tap on his shoulder, and he opened his eyes. The woman handed him a clipboard, and left the room. She did not say a single thing about the fact that he slept in the boys room, or that he was holding his hand when she walked in.

He slid his hand out from the still unconscious boys, and put on his work shirt. He did not bring any extra clothes nor did he go home. So this was the second day in a row of him wearing the same clothes, but he really didn' t care. Just as long as he could see that the gray haired male is doing okay.

Before leaving the room the male walked over to the smaller. He placed a small kiss on the small part of the boys forhead that wasnt bruised, and then left the room with very many things to do for the day.

There were lots of patients that he regular sees for different things, and every single patient asked the male if he was okay. He kept replying with the same thing every time "of course, dont worry about me, You are here so i can check on you." Everytime he would flash his famous smile at them to reassure. But when he finally reached his last patient, who happened to be a lady who lived in his bulding, and when she asked him the same thing everyone else did.

He broke down. The boy was not sure if it was because she wasn't a stranger, or if it was becasue she was the last patient. But he just let himself go and for once someone else comforted him. She was so kind about it, and told him to get lots of rest. Also she said whatever it was bothering him would get better, and with that she left.

He did feel a bit better, but aslo felt a bit guilty because of the burden of being comforted was put on that poor old woman. He just pushed the thoughts aside as he made his way back to byeongkwans room.

The nurse was standing outside of the door, as if she was expecting him to be coming this way. "Sir, this boy has no emergency contacts lisetd, so i dont have anyone to call" She was wearing a sad smile. "that's fine really, I know him, and will figure it out.. okay" She nodded and stepped to the side so the taller male could go in.

He grabbed a chair from one side of the room and placed it by the boys bed. When he sat down his entire body relxed. The male was so tired from working all day, and also worying anout the smaller, who still has not woken up.

He placed his hand on the smallers, and went on telling his interaction with the older woman that just happened. He told every detail of what happened while his head was resting against the side of the bed and his eyes were closed. When he reached the end of his story it was silent for a minute.

"I'm glad she took care of you"

YOU-WOWKWANOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora