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Whenver Junhee knowcked on the door it opened almst immedaitly, and he quickly pushed [ast the familiar boy standing in the doorway. When he saw a small boy sitting on the couch he quickly bowed, and introudiced himself.

"im Junhee, one of sehyoons friends" he set his bag down and started to the other end of the sofa. "Junhee he is injured so be careful please" The boy just laughed, it was more than obvious that the small boy had been in some kind of accident. His face was covered in small bruises. "I can tell " he said smiling at the boy while giving an apolegetic look.

"Im byeongkwan, Kim byeongwkan" He reached his small hand over and shaked the others hand. One of the first things junhee noticed when seeing this boy was he was wearing some of sehyoons clothing.

Literally he has seen that exact shirt, and sweats. Even though it seemed like a while since the boy lost them. The doctor came and sat in between both boys. "Junhee are you okay?" he looked concerend with the boy. Especially bringing this much stuff with him.

"Yes its just..... that guy. I needed to get away for a bit" He smiled. Sehyoon only knew briefly about this stranger, and that was a red flag of course. "ohh okay well you are welcome to stay here in the spare room" The boy pointed even though Junhee already knew where the room was.

Junhee really wanted to wait, but he really was curious. Plus he also liked giving the other a hard time. "so where is he going to stay?" the male pointed at the smaller. Sehyoon blushed when asked, and luckily for him kwan is shamless. "I will be stating with him. In his room" the smaller smiled while placcing a hand on the olders back to try and soothe him.

"are you two like... a thing" both nodded in unison. Junhee got really ecxites. his body was full of energy all the sudden, and really he was just so happy thay sehyoon actually found someone.

"why do you have to smile like that" the older smacked Junhees shoulder. "SEHYOON THIS IS BIG NEWS FOR ME OKAY" kwan was giggling a the reaction of both males. Really this was wholesome for him, and actually made him smile for sehyoon having a friend like this.

"okayyyy i am going to put my stuff up" the boy got up and grabbed his trash bag that was full. He then stormed off into the other room, and slightly closed the door.

"Kwan, I think we should start walking around." he gave the smaller a soft look because he knows that it was going to be really sore.

"already?" the smaller was shocked at the speed this process was going. "its good for you to start working them little by little. It will take 6 weeks for them to completly heal, but its better to work them out a bit"

Kwan could not argue with that. He is the doctor after all, so what else was he supposed to say.

The smaller nodded, and reached his hands out for assistance. "come I got you" he helped the small boys body up slowly. Once they were standing Sehyoon made the boy walk from the couch to the tv twice.

It was a hard process, but Kwan felt safe since the other was gelping. He knew nothing bad would happen to him.

"okay thats good" he slowly placed the other on the sofa. "was there any severe pain?" The older asked placing a hand on his thigh.

Byeongkwan shook his head and smiled. "It was hard but not too paniful" And with those words the doctor relaxed a bit. This entire thing was stressing him out, but he was happy that kwan chose him.

It was already starting to get late in the day, and again byeongkwan ate soemthing light. Also feeding sehyoon becasue the male refused to eat something else. So when Junhee orderd pizza he ate the entire thing by himself.

While watching them it was nice to see sehyoon this happy. The older is never like this, and really it warmed his entire heart in every way. Plus he got to know a bit more about this byeongkwan guy. Who is younger than both. He really does not seem like sehyoons type.

But what was his type anyway, the male only dated once and he never ever talks about it.

The nighttime reached fairly quick, and sehyoon started helping the smaller to the bed. Junhee had already gone and laid down. It was obvious that he had a lot on his mind. "almost there" the older smiled as he encouraged the smaller.

"sehni.. i want to shower" the smaller said as he sat slowly on the bed. "its been days can i please?" his sweet smile was displayed across his face. "yes you can. But you are going to need my help"

"i know" he said confidently with a small smirk plaing across his face. "Plus after you finsh washing me maybe i could help you"

"KWAN really" the older coveres his face beacsue it was starting to change to a bright red. "Come on just help me take a bath"

This time the smaller was able to stand on his own, but he still couldnt take many steps without the others help. "Come on now strip me"

The gray haired boy was sitting on the toilet with his arms in his lap. So the older turned on the bath and started letting it fll with the warm water. While the object was starting to fill he slowly and varefully started to undress the smaller.

First his shirt. Exposing his bare skin. The marks that sehyoon left on him days ago where still visible. Inadvertly the older ran his fingers across the marks. This casued byeongkwan to slightly shiver under his touch.

"sehni" he whispered to the male that was currenylt in a trance.

The older looked up and directly into the smallers cat eyes. His heart was starting to beat faster as his body was starting to lean in.

soooooo byeongkwans eyes remind me of cat eyes. IDC WHAT YOU SAY THEY JUST DO.

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