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When i woke up my head was cuddled into his chest. It was warm. He was warm.

We were currently at my house becasue he never takes me to his own. I dont know why, but im just glad i woke up and he is still here.

"you awake" the brown haired male whispered into Junhees hair. "Yes" he looked up to be faced with a messy haire donghun, who looked absoulety stunning.

he squeezed the boy tighter inhaling his scent before climbing out of the bed. "i have to go" the boy was putting on his jeans as junhee just lie there.

"why" he was leaving again. like always. He just would come to the bar bring me back to my own place, and leave me the next morning.

really I am the dumb one. Everytime I just let him. He has never asked me on a date, or asked for my number. It just seems like he wants to only hook up.

But I really want more than that, and i know it wont happen. With him anyway.

This time Junhee just got up and went into the bathroom. He needed to be away from the male becasue any second he would break down.

"lock the door behind you" the boys tone was an annoyed one. Donghun was confused becasue he never seemed like this after there nights.

The male always begged him to stay and such, but this time he isnt. So before he left the male barged into the bathroom. Junhee was already in the shower scrubbing his body harhsly.

He hates how his heart is doing this to him. Of all people why did he have to fall for this guy.

Donghun opened the curtain, and stood for a second admiring the other as he cleaned himself. "get out" Junhee did not even spare a glance at the male.

The brown haired male felt a pang in his chest as the boy gave him the cold shoulder. Why though he never cares what anyone has to say or feel about him.

He brushed it off before reaching over and pulling junhee towards him, The male placed a small kiss on the others lips, and then left.

As soon as Junhee heard his front door close he broke down. Never was he going to go back to the bar. Maybe he would even move away from this place.

Maybe if sehyoon would let him stay over there for a while it would be fine. He just neede to distance himself and heal. Becasue that male is brutal.

Once he finsihed washing himself the boy reached over to grand his land line. He had lost his phone last night at the bar, and well he would just buy a new one.

ring ring ring ring ring-

"hey sehyoon can i ask a favor?"

"Junhee are you okay? you sound like maybe you have been crying."

"can i come live with you for a little bit"

the line was quiet for a minute. He could hear sehyoon talking to someone in the background. The idea made him excited for his friend. Who was that? did he finally meet someone?

Come to think of it it is the middle of the day and he answered my phone call. woah.

"Junhee I have someone staying with me already, but its okay you can come stay for a bit. We will figure it out."

"thank you so much" he put the phone up, and quickly threw on some sweats. The boy grabbed the majortiy of his clothes and stuffed them into a bag.

He was not planning on comingback for a while. Mybe not at all who knows. Once he has all his neccesities gathered the male grabs his keys and puts them in his bag as well.

He also grabs his spare key from outside his apratment, locked the door, and left.

The male called a taxi becasue he did not want the other ro find him from his car. So he deceded to leave it as is.

Donghun was lingering around the building. He was contemplating with himsefl what was wrong with the other, and why he was being so cold all the sudden.

That was until he looked over and saw the boy rushing into a cab. Donghun was confused. He saw that the male had a bag over his shoulder, and what appeared to be clothes were in it.

He also looked like he was in a rush. His hair was still wet from the shower he was taking before donghun left the apartment.

The male wanted to follow him, but it was already too late because the cab was long gone.

Junhee held himself togther the entire ride to sehyoons place. He did not want to cry anymore, and he is hoping that he wont cry at the olders house. But he has no idea what is oging to happen when he gets there.

Especially because of this mysetery person that is currently staying with him as well. Sehyoon almost never lets anhone stay with im, so he knows this person must havr a big influence on the male. Because he was expecting to get a no.

But here he was stadnign outside the males building. "what am i waiting for" he cursed himself out loud, and started inside.

This felt like a short Chapter but it wasnt actually that bad. What do you think about this. So far?

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